
i miss val even tho she deleted my thread.


love you bff <37327


you’re the best + the most cutest ! actually , you ugly buh it’s okay ✊


i love you sm , deadass my whole world <3


hi dad pt 2


guess we having 
            101 kids.


i still cannot wait to have 33 siblings omg


thx X2 for making me w mommy valentina ⛄️




 ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓) ♡


nice knowing u uwu


i deleted that thread off my mb bc it’s march 1st ✊✊




i'll give u my follow as a birthday present


but like have a great ass day n like get lots of present s n eat cake n get fat


u a year closer to your death how u feel


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@sickobamba well best friend you are turning 15 as this is my first time for me for us knowing each other. well i wanna start off with a thank you for being that one person i can go to if i have any kind of problem, thank you for supporting me, thank you for being there for me when all that drama with my ex and family started. thank you for being that one person i can count on if i need anything or just need someone to talk to. i know i don't much to give you today mainly cause my impatient  ass couldn't wait to give you the stuff today but cmon the camera no way in hell i was waiting to give you that. for real tho thank you for everything you've said and done for me. we have a lot of great memories together and i want to make more with you and hopefully grow up with you like i said i want to take you to Melbourne and so far its happening. i know i can be annoying at times and i am sorry for that but i just never had a best friend like you, i don't ever have to fear of you walking away from me' i don't have the fear that will change on me. i also wanna say how every time i am with you, you make all my worries and fears go away and i get this warm fuzzy feeling and i also get nervous around you but thats normal i think lol. you know when i say i love you i mean it like i have no intentions of hurting you in any kind of way mainly cause someone like you doesn't deserve to be hurt. everything about you is unique and thats what i love about you and when i say you are beautiful i am talking about you inside and out. (cheesy warning) when i go to bed you are my last thought and when i wake up you are my first thought and whats even better is you are the person i see and to me that is the proper way to start a wonderful day. i know at times i can really piss you off and sometimes well most of the time i don't try but when i do it is because you are cute when you are nice but holy fuck you are hot when you are mad like dammmmnnnnnnnn.


btw i have more on the paper i am writing


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i still ain't done lol. we sometimes argue a lot but we always come back to each other stronger and yea. and i know i a can be over the top with shit (hehe) but its better than being under the top(hint hint lol) no one forces me to do this or buy you shit and thats ok cause i do this cause i want to and i love the feeling i get when i do it . you are an amazing human being with so much to offer and i love you happy birthday and don't let any slut ruin your fucking day cause i will whoop someone's ass.
                                                     i love you cutie 
               sincerely yours- your white best friend see you later cutie i love you


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i ain't done yet i also also wanna say that you are my motivation to go out and do shit like you don't let me talk shit about myself and when i do you set me in my place lol. when i said your eyes are beautiful they really are like they look like lakes of sweet honey and i mean it. honestly i don't know what i would do without you and i choose not to think that cause knowing my emotional ass i will cry and show up at your door at 1 am so we not going to think about that. i know sometimes i overthink shit and let it get the best of me but like i said before you set me in my place. i know that you will always have my back through thick and thin hell if someone was treating me wrong you will beat their ass then mine for not telling you or not doing something about it which is good. when i say i'll take a bullet for you i mean it cause i love you and that is love well yea. we've known each other since 8th grade and we've gotten so close to each other that when i walk up to you i am an open(not because i am white) book with nothing to hide. i would never ever lie to you and i have never lied to you i feel like that could ruin everything that we built up and ruin a great friendship and i wouldn't do anything to do that.  i know later in life we can farther with each other and we have the same interests mainly photography but i know you can help me with my music producing by giving me brute honest criticism speaking of honest you have never lied to me and i love how honest you are and to me thats amazing. there is some things that i admire of you, your looks, your humor, your personality, your way of comforting, your cute little laugh and pretty much everything of you. i remember the first time we actually hanged out and i told you about a situation and you called your mom asking i you can go to my place to whoop someone's ass for me and that was the funniest thing ever but when i realized you were serious that scared me but in the good way