Fourteen. Not the typical senior high school teen. Good at pretending. ;p

I don't talk that much personally, but on twitter (and other social networking sites) I'm really talkative. I like words, i hate numbers. Not that really interested in books 'til my brother started to collect some. Just tried a book then i got addicted to it. That's where all my "bookworm-attitude" started.

Have been collecting "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books since summer 2011.

I AM ONE DIRECTION'S #1 FAN. lol! :) Proud directioner!!!! Niall's girl. ;)
  • MNL
  • RegistriertNovember 10, 2012

Letzte Nachricht
asdfghjkforeveryoung asdfghjkforeveryoung Jan 16, 2013 02:26PM
Ame Artemis is really good in writing poems! Take time to read her works!
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Geschichte von asdfghjkforeveryoung
Summer Love von asdfghjkforeveryoung
Summer Love
Falling in love with a stranger.. Can this be true? ❤
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