
          "Hey all! Excited to share my first story, 'Village Meets City Love.' It's about a village girl and city boy navigating an arranged marriage. I've poured my heart into it, so I'd love your support—read, vote, and comment your thoughts. Excited to hear your thoughts!"


You may not know this but the word homosexual, used in your bio, has negative connotations and is offensive to most gay people, just fyi. 


            It just not a term people would use when they want to speak politely about LGBTQ people. At least in America. I can't speak for other English speaking countries because I don't live there. 
            It's an outdated term usually used by people who want to seem accepting of gays but who are really not all that accepting. Instead of using terms like gay or LGBTQ which are the more commonly used and accepted terms, homosexual, which is extremely outdated, has a negative connotation. Maybe Google it? I'm not sure I'm doing a good job explaining. 


@Setahri not being rude but just wanna know how is offensive dear. Can you please elaborate? 