
Guys I went shopping 4 days in a row don't hate me..I literally take forever to find the right thing.sorry i apologize working on a chapter rn.


Woww...I have not been consistent with my updates..Reason behind is..Well 1.School 2.School Shopping 3.Obsession with Twitter 4.Obsession with younow.. 5.Obsession with Cameron Dallas Matt Espinosa Reynolds Taylor Caniff Aaron Carpenter Sammy WIlkinson and so on..6.My problem with stalking Magcon guys 7.I simply have a music addiction AND ALSO CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT HOW FREAKING CUTE FOUR IN THE DIVERGENT MOVIE, HOW HOT HE IS LIKE ZAYUMMMM Okay anyways my updates will be all this starting tomorrow expect an update Mon-Sat ( 24th Ill be crying my eyes out about how limited I'll be to the internet b/c of school and that school starts the very next day and how I probably will become much more stressed out b/c of grades and crap.Also stressing what I'm going to wear on the first day of school and also stressing about who ill have in my class and if the teacher is nice or not and if ill be happy..) BUT besides all of that I hope you all had an amazing summer and I feel sorry for those who have already started like i honestly feel bad for you ( Hayes starts school tomorrow im crying for him )CAMERON DALLAS IS BAE SO ARE THE OTHER GUYS AND JAKE MILLER IS BAE. OH AND ANSEL ELGORT BAEE OK BYE LUV YOU ALL!<3 Also to contact me quicker follow me on twitter @Aussie_Cream ( b/c i dont use insta that much and i rarely check my inbox on here) ok bye love you all.


ASDFGHJKL Wowww..I havent updated for 10 days...Okay reasoning behind this is...I have this major obsession with twitter and younow..So like yea..I mean you're probably thinking I'm full of bs right now but whatever just ya know Im like that k. anyways literally I've been on pandora like all day everyday because I just have to hear music to calm me down..Also this upcoming week Im doing back to school shopping Ayeeeee ( Lol irdc about school part just shopping ) Do you know how freaking hard it is to get a follow from Taylor Caniff and Kian Lawley...literally I spammed Kian 40 times and Taylor 50 times..NO FOLLOW. Literally dont know what else to do..Idek how I got Jenna Marbles, Lil JaXe, Far Young,Kris Fadeley,Vanessa Merell, Veronica Merre, Luke Hutch and etc follows ..( Note I only listed some and my good ones. ) and still no follow. Literally I'm like 35/9999999999 whatever anyways Attached, AT My SHoulder and maybe Destructive Hero will be updated k bye.


Catfish is taking up ALL my time..Like seriously...I'm sorry you guys it's just this show is freaking addicting..So yep..Also I'm looking at other shows such as The Fosters,Finding Carter etc. so I'm sorry these shows really just are like so good. I can't even explain. Okay bye.


Allooo..At My Shoulder should be updated by tomorrow if not I apologize, Because I'm suppose to be going to the mall tomorrow but Im not sure b/c 1. Im not feeling good 2.I just might not want to go..:D Okay anyways thats that. k. bye.


I feel bad for not giving you guys a 2 day notice of my absence but..I went to a family party and just got back this morning, and I'm exhausted because My cousins, my sister and I threw this sick party in the hotel hall and we ended up getting complaints so we threw it at the pool it was a lot of fun and I apologize for not saying this in advance D; It was a 3 hr. drive to go and come back and so when going I was sleep and then coming home I was I was sleep at both times and it was just all a bit crazy so please don't get mad luv ya!