Alright, so to my suprise none of the authors I have posted about have noted this, but even so it is important to me. So I haven't been able to find a more efficient way to credit the authors or link the stories I'm reviewing and recommending. I want something that the reader can simply click on and go read it themselves, but wattpad is being ridiculously ornery and difficult. The links from my phone are way too long and don't hyperlink, so you'd have to copy and paste, which isn't efficient. The links, when done from my laptop, are shorter but still not hyperlinked, being easier to copy and paste still.
So as I try to find the best way to link these wonderful stories and credit their wonderful authors, please be patient. I'm trying to refrain from publishing until I find a proper way. I think I have at least 3 GMW fanfics ready to go in my drafts, just needing proper credit to author or a link of some kind.