
@silly-sophie haha that's awesome! There's a lot of supernatural haters out there so it's always exciting to find another fan :) & yeah Cas is fairly sexy I'll give you that but Dean is...well...Dean! There's just no comparison!
          	I absolutely loooove My Chem, a bit iffy of their new stuff because it's so different but I'm starting to warm up to it.
          	I've only been to Sydney once but from what I saw it's a pretty sweet place to be hehe.
          	yeah, so, I think I'll just hop along now too lol.
          	xo ash 


Supernatural haters! D: 
          Well. I'll show them! How can they hate Supernatural?! They must have half a brain! Hahahaha. Do you have a favourite episode? Favourite season?
          I kinda miss their old stuff, back in the good ol' days of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, but the new stuff has made it's way into my heart. I mean, its My Chem, no matter what they make, I'm gunna love it! Hahahaha.
          It is nice, but it's so goddamn busy! I feel claustrophobic every time I step out of the house! hahahaha.


@silly-sophie haha that's awesome! There's a lot of supernatural haters out there so it's always exciting to find another fan :) & yeah Cas is fairly sexy I'll give you that but Dean is...well...Dean! There's just no comparison!
          I absolutely loooove My Chem, a bit iffy of their new stuff because it's so different but I'm starting to warm up to it.
          I've only been to Sydney once but from what I saw it's a pretty sweet place to be hehe.
          yeah, so, I think I'll just hop along now too lol.
          xo ash 


okay, you are by far the coolest chick, ever.
          Not only do you live in Melbourne! which is my home away from home, I love it more than Sydney! BUT YOU LIKE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!
          and supernatural! although I'm kinda opposite, I'm like 90% Cas (sexiest thing to ever live, I swear) and 10% Dean. 'Cause he's a badass (:
          sorry, I'll just be on my way now. haha.


YO! ^_^ 
          I have just started a new story called The Underworld of Xavier (Its a working title) && I was wondering if you could check it out and give me your oppinion? 
          I have never written supernatural things before, bear that in mind lol. 
          Thankyoumuchly (: 
          - Rory <3!


@bhouchen If you're happy with it then yeah I agree leave it as is because it'll be hard to get back to that. I have the exact same hair is extremely curly (when I was little people called me Shirley Temple!) so I have a lot of damage from straightening, plus I tried to permanently straighten it..WORST IDEA EVER! never try it, it completely ruined my hair :'( 


@bhouchen The first time I ever coloured my hair I decided to go from my natural golden blonde to took FOREVER to get out. But my best friend was a hairdresser so she usually advises me against my most out there ideas lol. Being blonde completely fries your hair, I hate it but at the same time I'd give anything to be blonde again. Also if your hair is damaged you can see it a lot more when it's blonde :(
          =D hehe thank you, you should seriously consider it!


@bhouchen hehe thank you. That was my colour a couple of months ago now, at the moment its a dull brown. Yeah, I had always wanted to try red & I finally got the courage..I can pull it off because I have fair skin. I want to go a more vibrant red next time : ) you should try it, you never know it might be perfect for you!