


" you another viltrumite ? or just a regular alien here to cause trouble ? "


            prove that she came in peace? well that was going to be hard. so far she was just observing. learning what she needed to in order to relay it all back to her people. that way they could decide if humanity was worthy of forming an alliance with them. so they could share their technologies and medicines. well, she was trained for this.   “ my ship is in orbit around earth. i will give you the coordinates. i will allow your government to examine it and it’s flight logs. anything else you want, you may have. as i said i only came to observe. “ 


            mark remained tense , enough to be able to make some kind of move if he needed to , but he wasn’t going to be obvious about it . why would he ? she hasn’t given him a good enough reason to attack or even run away for that matter , “ humans aren’t lesser , just different . “
            that could be said about any other species really , but if was especially true with earth and how the people on the planet were continuously working on bettering themselves , “ invincible . unfortunately , you’re gonna have to prove that you’re peaceful — sorry . “


            blinking, she smiled. casually. almost too casually. “ i come from ashadan. we observe lesser species in order to benefit them. “ she could easily pass as a human. who knows how long she had actually been living among them until making herself known. “ my name is anouke. i come in peace.” 