I am so emotional. I feel like kashaf from zindagi gulzaar hein. ahaha the part when she decides to marry zaroon cuz he didn't let tea fall onto her. nobody every did anything like that for her before. nobody ever tried protecting her. but zaroon did. it's similar for my case. nobody ever gave me the kind of hope I believed in. but you did. you just had to, didn't you? you said the following words, "life e etotuk hope rakhte hoy" , or so, after u said what u said. & for a second, I actually believed that whatever you said and however you may have said it- all of it, might just be true.
I was always used to finding out sooner or later that my life was a lie. Be it grade 3's ultimate revelation of life, or grade 11 chem's electronic configurations. notice how I always resonate life to chemistry. the thing is, I was never used to finding-I mean getting- lost hope back. and for that moment, I didn't feel like my mind was caged or my soul was trapped somewhere amidst the secrets of my family, suffocating and not being able to scream. I was free.
a part of me always hoped that it'd be u to one day do it. as in, do what you do best. I can't believe that you believed, in me? you're not the kind to mess around frequently, but did you really mean? all my life, till now, I have been deprived of this birth right. but you thought I deserved to know? and you wanted to help? and you did? silently? without letting me be anxious or worry about it? I am being over-dramatic now but that is how I feel. I know that you're smitten with __ _____ priyo. but don't look desperate. because I know you aren't. how dare you ask me if I'm being kept happy? that's maddie's job, not yours. if you wanted us to be that way then why didnt you let me be your closest, best _________ friend? you were mine tho, my best friend. whether you wanted it or not. still are. one of the closest.
aj shesh mesh nei, tor keu nei. tai aka beche thakte shikho, priyo.