
Hey, I was wondering what your email is? I've made a banner for Prude versus Popoular, and because my internet is dodgy I can't get on PhotoBucket.. Sigh. So I'd be able to send it on email? Thanks  ☺️ your story is lovely XD


Hey, I was wondering what your email is? I've made a banner for Prude versus Popoular, and because my internet is dodgy I can't get on PhotoBucket.. Sigh. So I'd be able to send it on email? Thanks  ☺️ your story is lovely XD


          Same! I am unhealthily addicted to reading even if it's like a newspaper article!! It's no wonder I need my eyes checked! :'D I don't have  a life of my own cause I'm always in someone else's head! Haha, do you wear glasses!?!


@ashatra73 Yes i do! I have the big black nerd glasses and my eyesight is really bad so they are really thick... I love them! What about you?


I feel kind of left out here, most people that write like to write more than read. But me, I am unhealthily obsessed with reading but I still love to write. Now I'm being dramatic but please don't sue me!! I'm too young to die. I love writing, but I still think reading is more entertaining. Does anyone else feel this way or am I just the loser of the universe!?! beeeee the latter :P


I agree! I love writing but I love reading more. All I seem to do is read.