
Hey not sure if anyone will care but here we go.
          	Things may be slow to update. I forgot to take my meds for a bit, one of which is a anti depressant. So I'm kinda in a slump. I'm really sorry, I also think I might be coming down with something cause I've been feeling like crap. 
          	I hope you all can understand life happens and forgive me 


          	  Thank you so much. I am trying to get into a Grove especially since my trip up north for the holidays and sadly that hasn't really worked in my favor lol. I'm gonna try and keep my schedule but I have health issues and I live on a ranch so it can be stressful with the schedule I set for myself lol


Take as much time as you need hope you feel better soon ❤️


I read the description for The Mysterious Love on Ao3 and I see it's on here too. I'll definitely give it a shot after I'm done reading the fanfic I'm reading right now. Currently I'm reading Melt Away by Anonymous on Ao3. It's a Alicent/ Daemon pairing. So far it's excellent. If you haven't read it then you should give it a shot. Has a lot of smut though so if you don't like that then don't read it.


@thorn904 I've heard of that one and I'm pretty sure it's in my subscribed to read. 
            And I am happy to see you reading me here! I post my fics on Tumblr, Here, and Ao3 because I know everyone has their preferences 


Hey not sure if anyone will care but here we go.
          Things may be slow to update. I forgot to take my meds for a bit, one of which is a anti depressant. So I'm kinda in a slump. I'm really sorry, I also think I might be coming down with something cause I've been feeling like crap. 
          I hope you all can understand life happens and forgive me 


            Thank you so much. I am trying to get into a Grove especially since my trip up north for the holidays and sadly that hasn't really worked in my favor lol. I'm gonna try and keep my schedule but I have health issues and I live on a ranch so it can be stressful with the schedule I set for myself lol


Take as much time as you need hope you feel better soon ❤️


Hi i know this is probably weird but i have a book filled with plots that are open for people to take and i was wondering if you would read it and see if theres any you would like to write? 


@-Nevs- hi I would love to! I'm always coming up with new ideas for future fics. I already have ideas for another Laena x Daemon fic. And you know reader? Well i have 3 more ideas for her. I kinda think of her as my over arcing oc lol. 
            I'm sure it will help especially since some of my ideas are vague outlines and some are more "what if this character and this character kissed?"


heyy, i recently discovered your acct and im actually obsessed with your stories. i was wondering if you would ever make an alicent x male oc? where the male is viserys’ heir and first son.


@dabiggestslattho ooh maybe? If I do anything for the girls x I usually get them with a Canon character. Hence Tudes of Love (Laena x Daemon) and This Mysterious Love (Alicent x Daemon). But I will keep this idea in mind! And if I use it I will credit you don't worry. 


Any update of red queen coming soon I love it so far ❤️


@booksbooksbooks4ever I haven't started the next chapter yet as I was working on a oneshot request on my Tumblr. I'm also working on another fic but once that ones prolouge is out chapter 7 of The Red Queen should be out. I'm gonna say expect it by Wednesday next week as I'm also having to work on another request from Tumblr. 


I love your book red queen cant wait for more


@AshBloodDragon love it  i like damons pov


@lfargo just updated it!! Hope you like it!