
Thank you for all the love and support!
          	my tsunami: a collection of conversations, poems, and short stories


I would love to be an editor for your series. I am an editor for my friends book myself (not revealing what book but it’s not the friend I share this account with) and it’s in the process of becoming a physical book. Dm me ur acc info if you agree. Ur books actually saved my life it would be a dream to be an editor for them 


Hey! I just wanted to tell you how much the Player series means to me. I read the series nearly a year ago and it is still my favorite. Thank you for the amazing work you do 


Hey there, and thank you so much that means a lot to me! Take care, and thank you again for all the love and support 


Hey, buddies!
          It’s been quite some time since I’ve been on here and I just wanted to see how everyone has been. Sorry for being so inactive, but I have been checking in every once in a while seeing your guys comments and messages, and I just want to say thank you for continuing to give me love and support after all these years. I really do appreciate it. 
          I do hope to one day come back to this app, and hopefully write another book or even series.
          Anyways, I hope life has been treating you all well, And I hope your lives are filled with nothing but love and happiness. 
          Can’t wait to talk to you guys again, 
          Take care, 


@ashbro16 omg lol i didn't even see that you responded but thank you ! i missed the little convos in the comment section, such a pivotal moment of the beginning of quarantine. i hope all's well in whatever stage of life you're currently at <3


@paradise_golbrock I am, and I hope you are as well


@veronicaisdumb oh my gosh I have missed you so much. And same here lol I hope you’re doing great, love. 


Hello! I don't know if you get a nofitication when I vote for your Player series,but if you do,just know I'm voting all the books in that series because the last time I read it,I didn't know how to vote.I don't want you to think I'm skipping all your books because they are AMAZING!!! I just didn't know there was a vote fuction.Or I did,I just forgot to go back & vote your books,either way,I didn't vote & I want to give your books votes now.


AWW, thank you so much! You didn’t have to, but I greatly appreciate it 