Happiest Birthday @LarryStylinson_DC
I wish you that you get tons of love in your love, tons of in your life because we two know materialsic things doesn't have much value in our life. I won't say may god bless you "packets of dumbness and bottles of madness" because then you will surely be sent in the mental asylum and you will take me too as you'll surely give those packets and bottles to me after your usage.
I wish you that you always be the crazy, moody, savage, truthful, childish, shameless girl you're.
I am grateful you for being my soul sister, my twin. I am thankful for that you were class mate
Thank you for keeping me happy in my sad times. I wish I could make you smile at your worst times and be your pillar. Thank you for teaching how to love myself and teaching me that "do what you feel, do what makes you happy". If you weren't with me maybe I wouldn't have been able to cope with you depression. Thank you for teaching me teaching me how to be free as a bird. Thank you for correcting my mistakes and I will also corect your mistakes and that wouldn't affect our friendship because everyone does mistakes. Thank you for being with me in my thick and thin. Thank you for connecting with my craziness, dumbness.
Thank you for introducing me Bollywood specially VD otherwise I won't find the love of my life. I wish one day our dream of going to a wild trip will be fulfilled and we will be bestfriends till our last breath.
I didn't thought at class 3 that we would be best of friends and I would write such an emotional quote as we both know we are bad at expressing, emotions at normal time. I was thinking of a plan that we will attempt suicide at the age of 60 because we are gonna die single and I wouldn't be able to live without you. I would be bored in hell.
"Saath Hum Jo Chale Bann Gaye Kaafile Aur Koi Hume Ab Mile Na Mile Mauj Hai Roz Hai Roke Se Bhi Naa Yeh Rukte Kabhi Silsile"
Love you lots and missing you lots, Debdutta