
finally got some time again because i have holidays at the moment (yayy) so i was able to upload two graphics. i hope you're gonna take a look! 


          We have noticed you, and therefore, we would like to extend a special invitation for you to join Yu Hua Garden.
          Even the smallest help is appreciated, and you don't need to work full-time, as we value every contribution. We try our best to stay friendly to everyone, creating a welcoming and supportive community.
          If you are interested, please reach out to us. We would be thrilled to have you as part of our community! As we have invited you, you needn’t fulfil any payments other than following the main founder and community account as an act of courtesy.
          Best regards, @YuHuaCommunity


A scroll appears mid-air,
          Sealed by wax, an emblem so rare.
          One emerald snake, when picked apart
          The scroll unwinds, with shooting sparks. 
          Apologies for this short interruption on your profile, but I thought this might be of interest to you! 
          I'm hosting a Graphic Competition: Ensnare. You can find more detailed info in the book linked below :) 
          In case you're unable to join in, on this mystical adventure, spreading the word will help too ! 
          Hope you have a great day/night! <3 


Stray kids :) 


@QueliaLyrilia ahhh das kann ja durchaus auch ganz cool sein. hast du irgendwelche erkenntnisse bezüglich der unterschiede, die du teilen kannst oder so?
            jaaa, versteh ich, dass die nutzung von autotune nicht so deins ist, ist nicht so das wahre ngl. grundsätzlich würde ich schon sagen, dass ich recht viel kpop höre, aber ich halte mich hauptsächlich an ein paar gruppen und höre selten was von anderen. und ich bin da ganz auf deiner seite, stray kids ist auch einfach als gruppe ganz lustig O_o


            Ich muss ganz ehrlich sagen, ich bin nicht der größte Fan von Kpop und manchmal finde ich die Lieder etwas too much und die artistische Nutzung von autotune ist auch nicht so mein Ding. Allerdings finde ich einige Lieder kann man sich anhören und stray kids finde ich als Gruppe witzig. Ich interessiere mich eher für die Unterschiede von westlicher und östlicher Musik in Europa und Asien und höre überall mal rein. Das heißt, ich kenne wohl ziemlich viele Lieder und Gruppen.
            Und hörst du aktiv Kpop? :) 


hörst du kpop?


          Without telling me? Excusez moi! xD 


@QueliaLyrilia same. je stressiger mein leben ist, desto weniger bin ich hier haha. das freut mich aber, heh. 
            mir geht's ganz gut, bin aber gerade mitten in ner klausurenphase o_O


            Wohl war. Ist bei mir auch immer eher mood und random. Und ja, das stimmt. Mir geht's ganz gut, bissel verschnupft, aber sonst gut. Wie geht es dir und wie läuft es bei dir so? :) 


@QueliaLyrilia  WHOOPSIE O_o 
            man weiß nie, wer wann mal aktiv ist und wer nicht xD
            wir ham uns echt lang nicht mehr unterhalten; wie geht's dir denn so? 


whaaat. i started "aphelion" back in november? damn, time really does fly. 
          how are y'all? 


@AngeBlancRose I'm also good. But school is really stressing me rn 


i completely neglected my deviantart account but i'm thinking about doing something like an art instagram account haha. 
          does somebody have experience with posting graphics/artworks on instagram? 


@ashesofmadness That's okay :).
            There was an app wide protest and the head of insta said they'll scale it back but he's a liar and it never happened. They worked on everyone getting used to it and forgetting. I went from my art getting between 100-2000, to now a max of 50 if i'm lucky so i'm doing my own stuff- it shall not equate my worth.
             I'll pm my username to you as it's my real name hehe. It's set to public at the moment (i say that but its been 2 years XD )


@nitrous_sparx Thank you so much for your reply! And I'm sorry for replying so late, I totally forgot to check Watty O_o
            Yeah, I've heard from a lot other artist (on Instagram) that the algorithm is really shitty if it doesn't like you lol. That sucks. 
            It's sad that it's like that now. Like, that you have to go with the trends to be seen. 
            I don't know you had Instagram! What's your name if you don't mind me asking? At least if you're public.. 


Ich bin halt immer noch für unser Stalker-Profil 


i've unpublished 'growledge' because i consider it to be not up to date anymore. i don't know yet if i'll publish it again sometime. 
          i hope you guys are doing alright! 


@featherstorminfire_ yeahh you're right! 
            I'm doing alright. school is stressful rn because i missed a lot because i was abroad but i can manage :)) 


I did so with my first draft. Just do what you wanna do ;)
            I‘m doing great, what about you?


probably gonna unpublish 'the silent words of loneliness' as well. or i'll give it a makeover cause i can't stand it anymore lmao


i feel like i've been doing a lot of graphics lately, so there'll be some portfolio updates when i find the time; school keeps me a little too busy rn lmao. 
          how are y'all doing?