Kinda a vent post, not really, but I need an opinion
I have this hoodie, it’s a yellow varsity jacket, it has the Hufflepuff Logo on the back with a badger (since it’s the Hufflepuff mascot) and I got it from Hot Topic as a gift from my grandmother. It’s not the Jacket that’s a problem, it’s more my emotional attachment to it, it’s a sort of a comfort object, but it’s sort of unhealthy, I won’t leave it anywhere I don’t think is safe and if it’s not in my eyesight at all times. However since it’s summer, it’s definitely not physically healthy to wear but I wear it, no matter how hot I get or how much I sweat, I just wanted to know if this is healthy in a mental way, like I have a growing attachment to it and if I were to ever to rip or I would be unable to have it, I’d freak out, is this healthy? Is the attachment bad? Idk sry