
okayyyy, so with wattpad having constant issues this gives me time to focus on writing chapters..and maybe just MAYBE I’ll be able to post frequently. (I’m really tryna get back to consistency, but that’s when I didn’t have a big girl job lol) again, thanks for all of y’all’s support and patience <3


okayyyy, so with wattpad having constant issues this gives me time to focus on writing chapters..and maybe just MAYBE I’ll be able to post frequently. (I’m really tryna get back to consistency, but that’s when I didn’t have a big girl job lol) again, thanks for all of y’all’s support and patience <3


I really have been working on these chapters, but writers block has a hold on me for PTW & MLS .-. but ima get to it, and I’m tryna have enough chapters written so I can just update and have a schedule for those 2…I do plan on releasing a new book soon, but I don’t wanna get ahead of myself either cus look where I’m at lmao. butttt I’m feeling good about it, so lmk if yall would like for me to drop the characters list & synopsis 


@_honeypot life just been a lotttt lol but ty ❤️


Girlie I’m so late and have a whole lotta catching up to do but I do hope you are okay  was thinking we could even collab on a book or something shittt it’d be fire


Nae!! I’m so mad they got rid of DMs  take your time on catching up, I needa get back to writing just been so busy with life . but we definitely can collab on a book cus that’s so dope, & I done it one other time but that was yrs ago lol. What would be the best way to communicate? Have you heard of discord, or even use it? 


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wattpad really needs to get it together. cus every time they do these  fuccin random crashes it automatically unselects “mature content” . I’ll be damned if my shit gets flagged. 


@scorpiobabywrites very much so! all these updates but not fixing that :/ 


@ashhxwrites literally same!! it's so annoying!!