
no bother :D yea it i a pretty long title but its a good story by the sound of the title its gonna be a really good story :D yea the character pics are good but obvishly everyone has their different oppinion on how the character looks but with the pictures its eaiser :D please upload soon 


Hi! Thanks so much, for being a fan! I know I'm a hard writer being a fan of, considering I never write anything :) Just wanted to drop by to say that I've finally started writing again and uploaded a few more stories (or, well, the beginnings, anyway) and would really like your opinion on them - on which I should continue with and so... You can never have too many comments on your work! ;) By the way, are you writing anything, goodie.good? I'll check in to that :)


Hey there, Ashleigh94, I know these are annoying but can you pretty please with a batty on top read either of my stories "On The Brink" or "Love The Job. Hate The Client!"? I promise to you, they're not that long. Please comment, vote, and maybe fan? O.o 
          So you deserve a big icecream sundae with sprinkles and gummi bears on top for listening to me! :D
          Thanks! Raven <3
          P.S. Lol SCORE! Someone else with a weird imagination! ^^ 


Hey there! 
          I'm new to Watt  pad, and I was wondering if y o u could read one of my sto  ri es and comment on it! (vo  t i ng , f anning, and whate v e r ar e a ll o ptional, its  t he r evi ews I nee d!) I'd lo ve to retu rn the fav or, and I will! 
          I know this mig  ht annoy you, but anything i  s greatly appreciated! Thank  s f o r reading this! 
          My Stories--Gol  den Dawn; Karis Gebelin was j u st your typical Hawaii tra  ns pl ant to Manhattan, obse  s s ive to p student who act u a ll y pro cras tinates ever yt hi ng , and b ound of Ivy; fut ure ca re erist and c urre nt fort une tel ler. U ntil-- tha t is- -she fin ds out ever yth ing s he ac ed is more o r  les s a be n tre vato-- so go od by e model stude nt and st rivin g socia lit e--a nd hel l o de mons laye r/alche m ist  and au tomatic in dustry ty c oon--t h at is, if she survives. 
          Elven Mob Bosse  s and Rebel Heirs--Welcome t  o a world where elves,well, a re n 't your fairy tale elv es . Ru le d in a ochlocracy, of O liga rch s and tech savv y m ega corpo rati ons, of un  derw orld crimin al ru le, re  s istan ce in this m obocra c y i s fut ile wh en your King  c a n be yo ur dish washer i n one da y. I ntergala ctic be st­ sel ler an d future O lig arch , K ronos fø d t av Mø rke� �ska la soon fi nds o ut ho w h is fi ckl e world mi gh t cha n ge--w ith his help too. 
          http://www.watt s-and-rebel-heirs


Hi! I just wanted to say hello and tell you that I've updated recently and would really appreciate it if you'd come to my profile and read/comment/vote on my story. If not, it's okay. Thanks! 
          - Shellbbbssss (I changed my name in case you were wondering! lol)


          My name is Mary and I was wondering if you could take a look at my story "The Whole Where My Heart Should Be" 
          Lyn leaves Kent's house after saying goodbye, for what she believes to be the last time, a horrible accident changes her fate.
          If you have the time to read it please do and let me know what you think of it, id love some feedback, comments, votes, or fans :).
          Thank you 
          PS all you have to do is ask and id be happy to do the same for you.


Boo! lol, i recently wrote two new stories and would love to get some constructive criticism. Let me know what you think of them :]
          He has a twisted sense of humor and he hates my hair colour. He feeds me chokoberries just so he can kiss me and taste them from my mouth. 
          The bastard is my Master. 
          Alston. The atrocious Fae. 
          She has the ugliest hair he has ever seen and does not appreciate his amazing sense of humor. She loses her temper and her sharp tongue can outrun any Fae he has ever known. 
          The urchin is my servant. 
          Méav. The raven haired ecce.

          Quick Fact: Over 80% of the ppl who read the Chapter 1 continue on to read Chapter 3.
          Which % are you?
          Life is an empty shell if there is no one there beside you to share it with. Celest knows that all too well. After overhearing her fiancé making love with her step-sister, she shatters. Her quiet reserve is pushed aside to let out a torrent of emotions that have been boiling for the past years. 
          In an attempt to distance herself from all those who belittle her, she decides to take a long trip to South America.  She finds herself taking a flight to Margarita Island with one other lone passenger on the plane.
          Too bad life doesn’t always work out as planned.



Hey I was wondering if you can take a look at my story...A Look Into a House Full of Lust Filled Vampires From The Eyes of The Girl They Could Not Kill (or you might also like) I Time Travel for Love. Thanks! 
          ƸӜƷ BLANCA ƸӜƷ


Hi there! My names Amanda, and i recently uploaded 2 new stories to my profile. One called *Miya*, and the other *Little-Miss-Masquerade*. Miya is more on the older, supernatural side of things, where as Little-Miss is more teenaged drama ;) 
          I was wondering if maybe you would have an interest in reading either of these. I really enjoy and get motivated by comments and votes, especially fans! :D 
          I would really appreciate it if you would read them! 