
@Luna914 cool!x


I am so shocked to see 10k reads on waiting for you.. When I began writing the book I never thought it would get past 100 at the most. 
          I was amazed, watching the number of reads, votes and comments go. It made me smile everytime someone commented of voted, or added the story to their library. 
          Again, thank you so much.. You guys are my inspiration x
          - Ashley x


I was just wondering if anyone would like to answer this question for me.
          I'm currently writing "The News Everything"'s Advice column. 
          I'm writing about writers block and how to over come it. 
          Question: What are your views on writers block, and have you ever experienced it?
          If you decide to answer, your view will be included in my work when it is published, Thank you so much for your time if you get around to answering.