Hey Beautifuls! As we all know today is a very sad day. Today is the 1 year anniversary of the ending of MagCon. But I want all of you to stay strong even though I probably won't. Each and everyone of them loves each and everyone of you. If you are feeling down listen to some Shawn, Jack and Jack, Jacob, Taylor and Dillon, or whatever works for you. Go through old pictures, watch some edits, watch old videos. Just remember to show them that even though MagCon tour is over. We will always support them. I will be posting some stuff on my Instagram: @luv_cam_23 so if you want to see that it... Anyways I love guys and I want to say thank you for supporting me through my books and I am not planning on ending either of them anytime soon. But make sure to let your friends know about my books. Also my 50th follower will get a part in the book of their choice. Stay beautiful and remember: sometimes it all gets A Little Too Much but you'll Never Be Alone. It might be One of Those Nights that you can't lift The Weight but just say "I'll Show You that I can be the Life of the Party!"