hello again everyone! i deeply apologize for my hiatus and lack of posting chapters; my semester is coming to a close and i'm finding myself busier than ever. i'm writing where ever and when ever i can to get chapters to you, especially in CIW, and your patience is treasured. in the meantime, i'd like to recommend a book for my LGBT followers, called Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green. my girlfriend lent this to me and she says it's amazing so i'm excited to read it! if you're more into movies, i recommend going on netflix and watching tangerine. it's a story about two black transgender woman who are poor, but hard-working in a big city and how their friendship can stand through absolutely everything that gets thrown at it. it's a comedy, but it's beautifully done and it's extremely touching. i wish you luck on your mondays, friends !