Hello my loves!!! <3 I come bearing tragic news… After much (and I mean MUCH) consideration, I’ve decided that I’ll no longer be part of the WP community. As life progresses and I continue to find myself, I realized that this is one of the things I’ve been needing to let go of. I appreciate you all and how much you’ve supported me along my journey. I’d love to keep in contact if that’s something that any of you would also like. I’ll share my usernames on the platforms I use below for anyone who’s interested. That being said, while I’ve decided to delete the app, I will not be deleting my profile so the few works I have and any interactions we may have shared will not disappear. Never forget how precious and loved each and every one of you are. Love ALWAYS, Ash.xx Discord @ash.xx Instagram is @uplifting.ash

Literally sobbing bc this is where I met you and you’re one of my best friends now ! But ily and I know you’re doing it for the better!! Bye ash ily so much !! Will keep in touch my sweet sweet friend!!