ik some stuff i said was wrong and terrible but one there’s one thing i need to say. stop fuckıng faking suicidal stuff and sh. i’m sorry but making announcements talking abt a rope on your neck and drinking nail polish and ik people make accounts to fake suicidal thought and shi. like the cat noir acc talking abt torrey and shıt its fake asf. i’m not stupid. ik some stuff is real like with the beomgyu acc and shıt but yall need to stop being fuckıng fake attention seekers stfu

Idk about the other accounts but beomgyu actually died fyi. I check on multiple of her irl friends including her irl bf who’s also one of my best friends. I understand that you think some are fake but the fact you think that me being a “gay fag” was the reason why gyu died is straight up disgusting.

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@ashleytoohot Ya know, not everyone who says stuff about being suicidal is faking it, some people really fucking mean it and they want someone to talk to because they truly are doing those things, so stop this please, I agree that people shouldn't fake these things and I know that most of this is direvted towards me but trust me, I never lied about any of that, I'm not a bitch like soms other people