
So I haven't been on in who knows how long, but I'm back!  I seriously need an idea for a story that is preferably not a fan fiction, so if you have ANY IDEA MESSAGE ME!!! 
          	Thanks Again,


I just posted the introduction to my new book, "The Code of Being a Girl", I hope you guys like it. It's not a Fan Fiction because I'm taking a break from those while I write this story. Comment or message me what you thought about the introduction!


I just updated because we don't leave for Nationals until tomorrow! I made chapter 17 longer than the others incase I don't update for awhile. I might update while I'm at Nationals, but I'm not making any promises. Thanks for the support, Ashlynn


Okay I just finished Chapter 16, sadly it ends there. I'll probably end up posting it tomorrow as well as both parts of chapter 15. It has a simple ending and I won't be making a sequel, but I'm going to write another fan fiction, so keep an eye out for that. Thanks for putting up with me for this long, Ashlynn