Hey guys. So I've been getting some questions about my recent book and the new ones I'll be posting soon and 90% of them have been about why I always make them with problems or soon OCD and eating disorders or even Schizotopial Personality Disorder. It's becuase, especially the last one, is eother rare or something that I'd like to spread awareness about. I myslef am autisitic and severley OCD. I'm pretty lucky becuase I'm mid-functioning Aspergers and Rhett but my OCD is sort of out the rook. But, some of the people on the autisitc spectrum don't have the choice to live lives like ours. Being able to get a certain education and things that we usually take for granted. I want to show all the downfalls and bring an uprising to said conditions. for example, OCD. Most people see it as lines and certain things in certain places, whic is definitely part of it. But there's so much more to it which you'll see in my new story Shades of Pink which willbe released soon. It's about a teenager names Casey with OCD and autism as well as an eating disorder, (In case you didn't know, both the autism and the eating disorder are the most common side effects of OCD). He leanrs to rummage his way around his problems while also living them after meeting somebody. I feel it really shows what OCD and the rest are really about. So if people could please stop asking me why I make my stories so dramatic, I'd appreciate it. My stories aren't dramatic, they're real life.