❤Beautiful Person Award❤ Once you get this award you're supposed to put it on the wall of eight people who deserves it. You don't have to, but it's nice to be called beautiful :,)
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HAPPY NEW YEAR YALL!!! Lol what was that even, I never said yall in my life. Here's to looking forward to a better year, and if you're currently feeling down pls remember YOU MATTER!! Whether you choose to believe it or not you do matter. Don't be ashamed to feel upset or down, everyone's allowed to have a cry or set back now and then. I wish you all the best. On another note, my fanfic actually hit 50,000 viewsO.o even though I haven't updated pfft forever. Or at least sometime in 2017, I believe. Well technically it hasn't hit 50,000 yet. I mean I have 2 notes in the stories, soooo not sure if they can countXD but I'll try my best to update in 2018(must defo do that) I just keep having so many other story ideas and such(plus Uni work sooooo... so much stuff ugh) I wish you all the best(eeew I'm being so cornyXD)
that moment you re-read your status and realise you said the same thing twice...what is wrong with me?!XD
❤Beautiful Person Award❤ Once you get this award you're supposed to put it on the wall of eight people who deserves it. You don't have to, but it's nice to be called beautiful :,)
HAPPY NEW YEAR YALL!!! Lol what was that even, I never said yall in my life. Here's to looking forward to a better year, and if you're currently feeling down pls remember YOU MATTER!! Whether you choose to believe it or not you do matter. Don't be ashamed to feel upset or down, everyone's allowed to have a cry or set back now and then. I wish you all the best. On another note, my fanfic actually hit 50,000 viewsO.o even though I haven't updated pfft forever. Or at least sometime in 2017, I believe. Well technically it hasn't hit 50,000 yet. I mean I have 2 notes in the stories, soooo not sure if they can countXD but I'll try my best to update in 2018(must defo do that) I just keep having so many other story ideas and such(plus Uni work sooooo... so much stuff ugh) I wish you all the best(eeew I'm being so cornyXD)
that moment you re-read your status and realise you said the same thing twice...what is wrong with me?!XD
Anyone else currently squealing over the fact of how Hiashi reacted when he saw his grandchildren. I've waited so long to see their interactions and OMG he literally turns into a fangirl seeing them and the moment is just so precious it's making me cry...thank you SP for giving us this moment. It's just too adorable for words(please ignore my outburst as you can see this is my fangirl side talking)
@ashuzumaki905 ;w; same here :D..I was fangirling like mad :D..XDDD same here..His face just made my heart melt ;w;..lol I think some people are making it into a meme now XD..Same, I wasn't even sure if he would be able to show affection being a serious guy..but I guess I was proven wrong ;3..Yeah..maybe she was trying to remind him not to make the same mistakes that he made with raising Hinata, Hanabi and Neji in a subtle way ;0.XD It was kind of amusing though I have to agree XD Yeah or at least he tries to be , being the hokage and a dad XDDD :3 hahaha yes I was surprised at how serious he was acting when I first watched Boruto the movie and I was just kind of waiting for him to have a 'Naruto moment XD' + I couldn't stop laughing when that happened XDD..(haha he probably was XD lol there was also the bit when he was pacing up and down in the office + reacted in a naruto way when Shikamaru entered the office XD) ;w; me too ;w;..I can't wait ;3..:D...
@Fran48 Riiiiight, exactly when I saw that moment I don't think my heart was able to handle it. They were so cute!!! Words cannot describe, I will forever treasure this momentXD yeah, I expected it from Hanabi but not Hiashi. Though I kind of laughed how she told her dad Boruto would end up on hating you if you fought with him, I kind of felt like she was talking about herself in a way(with him pushing her to do her best) which was sad yet she didn't seem upset and seem to make light of it as a joke. Kind of a dark one, but I still laughed. He's clearly more respectable now that he's an adult. I just recently watched the English of the Bourto movie and I'm literally crying how mature he seems(till the bit he found his son got through to the chunin exams and started cheering YES!!! That's so NarutoXD the fact he had to wait till Shikamaru left cos well he probably wanted to be 'cool' about it) I just want to cry, urgh too much feels ooooh another episode out tomorrow;)
@ashuzumaki905 XDD I can imagine ;3..I feel the same way ;w; I mean we've seen head canons +fanart of Hiashi interacting with them + seeing it for the first time is just so ahhhh <333 words can't describe it ;w;.:D..XD Ikr? I wasn't sure how I would be with them + I was just so happy when I saw how lovey dovey he was with them..I was expecting Hanabi to be affectionate to them but not Hiashi..;3 I kind of thought that Naruto would call him 'old man' hiashi like he used to with other people but maybe that's his way of showing respect XD ;w;..same here ;w;..the feels ;w;..
So it's official, Naruto Shippuden is now over...wow! I literally don't know how to feel... I haven't seen the episode yet since I have no time but I have seen parts and that alone is just emotional for me. I know we still have Boruto but fans seem to forget this will be 'adult' Naruto, not the one we've been following for years. I so badly want to create something special now that the last episode has gone out but no timeT^T Thank you Naruto for existing(but I feel like some people have just ignored him as the 'fans' choose to hate and look at them more rather than focus on the things they love instead) - - You realise I'm talking about ships and certain characters(mainly the females) rightXD
@ashuzumaki905 (^^ Yeah, good point..It took me a while to get used to it too..but when I was reading gaiden I was like..omg..;0ajuGuafsusauguagu ;w; Fangirling basically XD) XDDD Oh I see..XD..I try to stay quiet too on those kinds of sites..Do you mean if someone questions you? XDD I don't think you should feel ashamed for shipping characters, It's up to you what you ship, even if it's not (to others) plausible.. Oh I see..;0 So Naruto was the begining of your love for ships :D? That scene was so touching ;w;..It proved that even though Sasuke acts really cold, Sakura does make a difference to him Ah right..yeah..i heard a lot of people hate hinata because of her fainting..XDDD I didn't know you used to not like it much until the neji vs naruto bit..;0 :D That's okay, don't stress about it, Uni's a priority..I don't think I've managed to get around to doing that either..;0
@ashuzumaki905 XDDD haha it really is, yeah XDD. It's kind of out of character for me too, if there's something being dissed usually I stay clear of it XD hahaha XD yeah..I suppose the way I go on about it is kind of decieving at times XD but yeah..That's kind of how I am about my interests..XD..I have to stop myself ranting about them at times XD but it's hard XDD Oh I see...yeah that does make sense^^ so it was your first knowing anime XD? Yeah, I agree with you there, he seemed to be really big on power and the pride of the hyuuga all the time..I hated how harsh he was with Hinata...I wonder what happened to Hinata's mother actually ;0 If she'd been around maybe she'd tell him off XD, but he has two lovely daughters who are kind and caring and Hinata especially is really hard working, even if she isn't as naturally talented as Neji..I think he may have gotten nicer after the Neji vs Naruto fight though..Yep..Iruka was in a bit of a flap as he couldn't think of what to say on Konohamaru's video to Naruto and dropped some food. Just then, Naruto walked in and they had this conversation and then Iruka got mad at Naruto as he thought he was being inconsiderate about the wedding and Hinata.. So, he dragged him out, meaning to take him to Hinata's..Then the two of them are stood outside on a bridge and Naruto comes out with it..and Iruka starts crying.. (Ikr? I hated how they did that too..why couldn't they have stuck to the stories...;0 Makes me want to do comic/animation versions of some of them, though I did do a comic one of the Iruka scene). You're right about that..he definately did..:);w;..Yeah..That was kind of wierd because usually Naruto's not afraid to speak his mind around Iruka XDD..to the point where he gets mad XD ;w;...Same here..;w;..It gave iruka a sense of pride that Naruto was proud to be his student..;w;Oh I see...;0..I hate the shipping arguments..;w;.haha ikr?There are people who look really good without makeup +Hinata's definately one of them:)
@Fran48 Holy S*** I almost forgot about that, the drawing for Naruto that is. I guess cos Uni has been stressing me out so gaaaah I'll get around to it.... eventually
Thanks for the follow!
Hmm okay I know this might be a strange question buuuut, is anyone here from United Kingdom going to Birmingham Comic Con in March. I'm just asking since this will be my first time going by myself and eh you never know how small the world is. I'm hoping to try and put myself out there since I'm always so shy. Just thought I ask haha
@ashuzumaki905 Oh I see..;0 wow..That's amazing ;0..Your friend must be really talented :D awesome ;3 I hope (if you get there) that you enjoy it ;3 :) ^--^ I bet :D ^^ :3 She must be so excited about it ;3 ^^ ;3 ^^; same here XD..Finally, someone who gets it XD...my mam's always going on about how I should be more organised XD..^^; heehee XD He definitely looks like he is ;3 :) ^^(haha really? ;3..It definitely sounds more interesting..I bet there are less fan jokes about it being gayish like people do with free XD) :D I hope so too...;3 ^^ *hugs* It would be awesome ;3..I've met some people online in rl too..and they were so nice ;3..(really? ;0 that's so cool ;0..I've actually been to Ireland + it's so nice there ;3) ^^ same here..;0..Ikr? why do cons and travel have to be so expensive..;0??;w; I hope so too...;w;.It would be great ;3..:D.. .Yay ;3..
@Fran48 Ahh change of plan it seems. I'm not going Birmingham Con. A friend of mine wants to go in November so I may be going to that instead, also she's selling her artwork in London MCM Comic Con and wants to get as many of her friends possible to be there so I might try and ask my dad if I can go(going to be more expensive mind you) but I'll give it a try. It's a really big thing for her:) *hugs back* It is, I swear I seem to be all over the place ^^; OMG haha I forgot I had that up there, yup that's him. He's such a sweetie!!(I personally love it, got me more hooked than Free did, mainly because u can feel more passion coming from them rather than it be just 'fanservice' type of thing) Awww I hope so, a lot of my friends go on about how they meet they're internet friends(they're also from UK but one of my friends got to meet someone in Ireland and I'm just like<.< bi*** what) so I'm waiting for the day where we can finally meet. It's not impossible after all, it's just the damn money-.- but I realllllly hope we can meet one day. That be awesome!! And it is going to happen, it is on my to do list as goals!!
@ashuzumaki905 :) *hugs* Thanks..I know what you mean..Uni can be so hard and chaotic..;0..;w;. I don't blame you for feeling that way..No problem :D Cool ;3..I think I saw you as him on your Instagram :D...you look awesome as him ;3..(hahaha I see..XD..I have yet to watch that but I have heard it's good..) That's okay..:)...we'll meet eventually XD..;3 :)..I know the feeling..my family are finding it frustrating how disorganised I am atm..XD
Happy Holidays everyone, hope everyone's enjoying themselves and if your not well... your not the only one so don't worry & don't be afraid to speak out
Officially deleted most of my stories, tempted to do the same with the others but I'll leave them for now. Reasons why well... they're just so cringing to me. A lot of people have been commenting on them asking me to update a few of them or just leaving nice comments(which are so flattering) but when I go back to my stories all I see if cringe, cringe CRINGE!!! To think they're about 3 years old since I wrote them at about 16 meh oh well. I'm going to try and re-write them all instead*challenge accepted* as well as try and do my Uni work. I feel more better now, I think I can get back into writing again...hopefully anyway that's all uh...bye??? (I'm so awkward with this╥﹏╥)
@ashuzumaki905 aw no problem ;D ^-^ I don't blame you, Uni work can be tough^^; XD I see..no it isn't really though I know the feeling.., I don't usually procrastinate but I've been doing the same over reading up on databases + fixing a proposal I've had to do..I just can't be bothered atm XD Woah, the next year sounds really stressful Dx ;w;..;0 The best thing to do is probably to take one thing at a time and take things as they come if you know what I mean XD It's okay, I've done that before, it's a target, not really a one set in stone, so I don't think people will judge you :)
@Fran48 Awww thanks, yeah I may have to leave them for the very last with the amount of work I have. I keep procrastinating which isn’t exactly my best choice, they’re going easy on us this year but next year is when the stuff really kicks in and *POOF* stress level over 9000!!! Idk if I can even do that, I keep saying next week I’ll work harder but I never do, I also feel like I’m overfeeding myself cos of the stress so… yeah life is hell right nowXD I regret making this status now since I feel like I won't be able to achieve it
@ashuzumaki905 Good luck with your uni work as well as rewriting your stories *hugs*, I can understand that with old things, I often look over my old writings and art and just think 'How did I think that was my greatest piece?' or 'Did I really write that so badly ^^;?' I'm glad you're feeling better now too :)
Hey can you follow me and read my book please
@lemonloverx OMG I'm so sorry, I didn't see your message till just now. Well that mainly dependsXD I mostly read Naruto stories and stuff. What's the book about?
So I feel like I should explain reasons why I haven't been updating, well first of all I just started University this week(Saturday 24) And things haven't been going at all too well, I've been nothing but homesick and have major depression. It feels so lonely here, I try to make friends but the type of people I've come across only want to go out drinking, I do drink(a bit) but nothing like wanting to go out every night to a club or even 3 days a week type of thing. I hate it here and so yeah I have no motivation to write and now I've been told I could have anxiety... I don't know. I just want to go home, I'm not going to make any friends here but I still got three months of this*cries*this was going to be long but I'm too upset even typing this so yeah okay*out*
@ashuzumaki905 Thanks, :) I wish you well too, I’m sure you’ll be okay once you get used to uni :3 I hope I can talk to you more too ;3 :3 ahhh That would be awesome ;3 :) and we could finally meet :3 I would love it if we did a Naruto cosplay together :D *thinks about this, really excitedly* haha I’m really clumsy though I should warn you ^^’ XD ^_^ I look forward to it if you ever do manage to do that :) Could we have a picture together if we do meet? Also if there were famous vas we both liked we could go to the signing together..That would be so cool ;3 :D (haha it’s okay XD I think I do XD)
@ashuzumaki905 Yeah, I can understand you there..you don’t want to feel like you’re burdening your parents and feel grown up and responsible..Thanks, I hope so, I went to a jobs fair last week + there wasn’t a lot that interested me+ a lot of the jobs were not my kind of thing (what I mean is that they were really boring..one was putting usb sticks into bags to give to blind/partially sighted people..I mean they’d be good for job experience but really not what I’d want to do long term or feel I’d enjoy) XDD hahah yeah..I mean if you have a master’s degree or a phd, you’d be a specialist in areas so a lot of jobs wouldn’t want you to be employed by them as you’d have no room for training or would have too much knowledge for what they wanted you to do. It’s kind of hard to explain ^^; hahah I wish XDDD lol yeah..well I’ve just started really XD ^^; Not really, he does keep asking me if I want to come out but he obviously doesn’t realise how busy a university student can get + I don’t know if he still fancies me or not but I’m still being cautious with him as to how I reply to messages so he doesn’t get any ideas or twist my words to make it sound like I have any feelings towards him..
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