HELLO!!! Yes I am alive and also dead because of the assignments given to me by the school so it sucks :< I haven't updated "Allium Flowers" yet because of school and I will return writing it probably on Saturday and I will post it the day after so don't miss it!! ALSO I made a server for all of you readers for us to chill and talk to each other so I am very excited to meet all of you and can we friends bestie? The first 5 people to join will have the role of Admin and Mod! So please join the server I made I worked hard on it so HERE'S THE LINK!! https://discord.gg/YQYeBxdzDv This is where I'll be updating you guys about the books I am writing and probably rant to you guys about my brain's stupid thoughts so stay tuned about that XD SEE YOU GUYS IN THE SERVER!!!!