Monthly check in! Here's what's going on.
While progress has been slow, I still hope to get Skatepark released before the end of April. If I have to delay that theoretical maximum, I will communicate with you guys about it on here. Currently I'm slicing through Chapter 2, adding content and editing/revising old words. My main goal is to get to 20000+ words for the entire story, and at this current rate, I think there's a good chance of it happening!
A few projects are in the works right now! I don't want to leave you guys hanging while waiting for Skatepark, so some side quests are being fulfilled as I write this. "The Promised Land" should be up on here by late-February, and "Sugar Sweet: Future" (a canon epilogue to "Sugar Sweet") will begin development soon. I'm not going to start planning or writing "The Music of Living" until I've got those projects done, because I want "The Music of Living" to be super special and I want it to be my best work yet.
My biggest roadblock so far with the side projects is making covers and such. Those take longer than one would think, since I'm not a graphic designer. I've considered hiring one but I'll be just fine living out of MS Paint. I've got cover ideas for "The Promised Land", and that's my priority right now aside from Skatepark.
I've had lots of good ideas sprout up over the past few weeks, whether it be revising plots I've already had in mind, to brand new plots that have nothing to do with my current content. If "The Promised Land" is a success, I'd love to explore the ominous short story region a lot more! I write down the majority of ideas that I come up with, and if a book that I write for ROBLOX Library does well, then I'll definitely consider moving it to here as well. That's what's happening with "The Promised Land" right now!
More to come!
- Logan