
this message may be offensive
ok it's 2019 me i'm drunk as fuck now but hey i'll try to finish the book now. also @oliveun changed her @ again. we both decided to bring back our accounts. she had to drag me back her after a few years had past HAHA it was a hit or miss but yk i bet u didn't miss me ): but whatever i'll update soon if i remember what i was actually writing about.  ok love uuuu


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ok it's 2019 me i'm drunk as fuck now but hey i'll try to finish the book now. also @oliveun changed her @ again. we both decided to bring back our accounts. she had to drag me back her after a few years had past HAHA it was a hit or miss but yk i bet u didn't miss me ): but whatever i'll update soon if i remember what i was actually writing about.  ok love uuuu