
Thank you all very much for the support on Entwined! It is very much appreciated 


Ive seen that my story El Merodeador has gained a lot of readers, and for that I'm grateful. Thank you to you all, but let me make one thing very clear. I only want to be criticized in terms of the Spanish parts of the story, since i don't speak it and want to make it as accurate as possible so as not to be disrespectful. But if you want to come on here and hide behind your little profile and make weird remarks on MY story, or simply make fun of it, trust me. I will embarrass you and block you. This is my profile and my story and I will do with it as i bloody please. You can criticize the Spanish, but it ends there. If you dont like the story, theres a button designed for you to leave it. Block me if you need to. But dont make stupid comments. Dont play with me.


"pRowLeR mIlEs dOeSnt AcT lIke this." EXCUSE ME????? WE DONT EVEN GETNTO SEE MUCH OF HIS PERSONALITY IN THE FILM???? HOW DO U KNOW HOW HE ACTS, IF U DONT LIKE IT, LEAVE And go write ur own fanfic ffs. Leave me alone.


@asterxxbxtchh istg and I'm trying my best to make him seem accurate too especially with such little info


onggg i hate commenters tbh