
So... I would like to say that I'll be taking a break from Wattpad within 1 week. I am so busy with school and I don't have time for Wattpad. I promise to be back after 1 week. Thank you for understanding :)


مرحبا عزيزي القارئ،
          أهلاً بك في رواية "حين يسود الظلام"، حيث تنسج الحكايات خيوطها بين نور الشمس وظلال الليل. في هذه الرواية، ستعيش معنا لحظات من الأمل في مواجهة اليأس، وتكتشف أسرارًا تُخفيها الأرواح . أتمنى أن تجد بين سطورها مغامرات تأخذك بعيدًا، وتغمر قلبك بمشاعرٍ لا تُنسى.
          أستمتع بقراءتها، ومرحبا بك في عالمنا المليء بالغموض والجمال.
          مع أطيب التمنيات، [ آيلينا ]


Hi there,
          I've been on the search for authors who do IDV one shots. I was wondering if I was allowed to make a request if you're not busy with too many, I noticed you have other books to write for too. 
          (I felt like I needed to read something comforting after the day I've had )


Hello! I’m not taking requests as of the moment as there is a long line but if you’d like, I could take note of it so that when the requests will reopen, your request will be considered! :)


I can't temember if I've already made one, that's just how dummy stupid I can be sometimes. Brain is fried like like chicken.