
there's a snowstorm brewing outside so i'm gonna try to shackle down a get chapter 2 out even though only one person wants it. but i'll try for you @mxxnXm1st . might I mention, this is the first time it's snowed in my state for nearly a decade sooo no promises i wont be outside enjoying it.


Hi! You're like the only person I know who has read AGGGTM and I've started to read this other crime book (not Wattpad) that's AMAZING! It's called One of us is Lying. The first sentence of the blurb is literally: Five students went to detention, only four came out alive... lol. Anyways, I thought I'd recommend it! (If you do decide to read it, don't look up the book on Google because I did and where it says 'people also asked', it said 'why did ---- kill -----'  LIKE I DIDN'T ASK FOR SPOILERS!!! But yeah...)


there's a snowstorm brewing outside so i'm gonna try to shackle down a get chapter 2 out even though only one person wants it. but i'll try for you @mxxnXm1st . might I mention, this is the first time it's snowed in my state for nearly a decade sooo no promises i wont be outside enjoying it.


Chapter 2 whennnn?? ┏⁠(⁠^⁠0⁠^⁠)⁠┛
          (idc if it takes 2 years, I just need this story, I feed off of it :3)


@astriddd213 write when you're in the mooddd, andddd take your timeee, ehehe!! I'll be here to read it whenever >:3


@mxxnXm1st AHHHH im sorry!! i've just got off of break so i'm back in school but i'll try to get it out tonight :D


Hey girl,
          l wanted to ask if you would like to make a collab with me on the bl you are writing. Think about it.


Hey! It's okay. But l remember that you wanted to make a sequel. I can help you with it.


@Beyondthecities1605 Hello! Sorry for the late reply, but I'm totally not opposed to a collab. Though I must let you know that I have already established a great portion of the story already.