In the heart of a war-ravaged world, two unlikely souls are drawn together by fate. Eliza, a compassionate and devoted nurse, finds her purpose in mending the wounded and soothing spirits broken by battle. Her quiet strength shines through in every gesture, offering warmth and solace where hope seems lost. For her, caring for others isn't merely a duty-it's her calling.
Then there's Alexander, a formidable second-in-command whose iron will and commanding presence have earned him fear and respect alike. Hardened by countless battles and the weight of his own demons, he keeps his heart fortified against weakness. Emotions are a luxury he can't afford.
When their paths collide, Eliza's quiet strength and beauty becomes a force Alexander never anticipated. Her gentle resilience challenges his defenses, drawing him into a tension between tenderness and survival. As attraction deepens, they are both forced to confront the parts of themselves they've long kept hidden.