
Anyways guys I was a deep overthinking session when I casually remembered that I was literally the only one crying over Tony's death in the theater.


Ciao, scusa per l'orario e per il disturbo ho notato che ti piace Tom Holland {per vie della copertina}.
          Ti va di leggere la mia storia che parla di lui? 
          Si chiama "Un Coinquilino perfetto"
          Leggila e fammi sapere se ti piace. 
          Scusa per il disturbo


Anyways ik he's hot


@jinx9506 in effetti sto cercando ff su di luo perciò VOLOOO


I wanted to say two things:
          1) someone wants a new friend? 'Cause I really want someone who doesn't speak my same language, I want someone different from me, I want to discover how people from other parts of the world live and plus I feel like i really want to communicate in English with someone aha.
          So in case just send me a message I'll be more than happy to finally have a new internet friend, I have one Ibf and she's perfect and maybe she wants to have a new friend too.
          2) I know I'm so inactive but I've literally no time, school in Italy is reaaaaaaally stressful, mostly in May so I won't be able to post anything before June (I'm so so so so sorry I love you all). . . 


          ******SPOILER ALERT******
          Hey wassup guys?
          I wanted to explain something,
          I know my story is a lot confusing.
          You can say it's inspired by Eclipse but I missed some scenes.
           I wanted to say that I choose not to write them, because this is is my book and I modified the original story to adapt it to mine.
          Did you wonder why the scene where Jake kissed Bella and she broke her hand is missing? Well this is one of the scenes that isn't missing.
          I hope you still like my story.
          Love you.