
this message may be offensive
its been a good three or four months since ive been on here, and im slowly making a comeback i promise. heres an update though:
          	- we bought a new laptop; so when i do begin to write properly again, updates shall be faster and more regular
          	- i've been doing a little better mentally recently, but i'm having another low atm. however, i get very creative and have flashes of ?? weird ideas that r kinda cool when im sad so ! i have ideas and things in the works
          	- i have a lot of school deadlines coming up, and if u didnt know, im in the dreaded gcse year, [ yes im from the uk ] and everything is .. kinda just .. coming close. and im having lots of frequent panic attacks and crying seshs on the phone to my boyfriend so . haha. i guess .
          	but thank u all for being patient and shit,, it means a lot <3


please take your time and don’t press yourself into writing anything if you don’t want to, take care! <3


this message may be offensive
its been a good three or four months since ive been on here, and im slowly making a comeback i promise. heres an update though:
          - we bought a new laptop; so when i do begin to write properly again, updates shall be faster and more regular
          - i've been doing a little better mentally recently, but i'm having another low atm. however, i get very creative and have flashes of ?? weird ideas that r kinda cool when im sad so ! i have ideas and things in the works
          - i have a lot of school deadlines coming up, and if u didnt know, im in the dreaded gcse year, [ yes im from the uk ] and everything is .. kinda just .. coming close. and im having lots of frequent panic attacks and crying seshs on the phone to my boyfriend so . haha. i guess .
          but thank u all for being patient and shit,, it means a lot <3


please take your time and don’t press yourself into writing anything if you don’t want to, take care! <3


this message may be offensive
holy fuck !! i just realised its literally been another month since ive been active. hi. hello. im back from writers block. my laptop also broke and having to update from my phone is weird and.. a task to say the least. ily all, sorry for the slow uploads and updates <3


sorry i took a phat break from wattpad. i haven't been doing so good mentally, i've had lots of exams to stress over, and im trying to keep on track with weight loss too. with all these things hitting at once, and my family life getting shitter by the day, its been hard to update. but its been about 2 months of slow updates, and a whole ass month of silence from me, and i just wanted to let ya'll know i'm alright. thank you for the supportive dms asking me if im okay and to take my time. ill be back writing again soon once im motivated !
          - blake xoxo


@angeljood thank u angel <3


hope you’re doing fine! stay safe <3


hey all! im studying for my gcses at the moment and updating some of the stories as quick as i want to is getting a lil tough. i just want to thanku all for being so patient with me and giving me support on all my stories <3 it means the world and really encourages me not to give up writing. im planning some big things involving old stories, it just might take a lil longer atm for me to update books. thanku all for being understanding! 


im literally so sorry that ive started writing like 50 different books this weekend but im gna do my best to update them all the best i can!! my phone broke a few days ago and i literally have had nothing to do, im on my laptop- and its kinda shitty so that might explain it bUT- im really gonna try and make these good akdjsf ive never written a joshler fic or even anything about tøp in general but i have so much love for their new album and here we go. i was listening to the song and this happened!!


i think my neighbour's babygirl whos like a sister to me, merideth, couldve been on my phone when i left it on the side to go eat and accidentally deleted feelings ): or maybe my wattpad is just playing up who knows. im finna look so dumb if other people can see the story and i just cant uhh


shes only a year old so i cant blame her ig