
Hey everyone.


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I just am so over life right now. I’m unhappy and wanna end it all sometimes, but I am afraid of feeling this way and I don’t wanna hurt people. Nobody ever seems to care if they hurt me though. My family doesn’t try to understand me, they think I’m sick or broken, but I’m really not. I just need their love and support right now. And I tell them that all the time, but they don’t see it the way I do. I feel so lost and alone, and I just wish that my family would at least try to care or understand how I truly feel. But they don’t. And I’m starting to feel like shit even more. I’m sorry for the long rant and sorry if anyone who read this got their mood down. It wasn’t my intention to upset anyone or get attention, I just have felt this way for awhile now and wish that it would stop, but it won’t. I don’t know what to do anymore tbh. Life sucks and I’m so over it, but there’s something keeping me around and I don’t know what it is. I’m really trying, but it’s tough. 


Late but thanks Jaden♥️


^^ ♥️


Thank you♥️


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I always think I’m not good enough. But it’s true, I’m really not. I never know what to say, I never know how to fix anything, I just mess things up even more. People except me to just make all the bad go away but I can’t because I don’t know how to. I fucking hate my life sometimes. Sorry, not looking for attention but I just really needed to rant. 


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My mom is literally such a freaking idiot istg. So over her bullshit. 


of course. that’s okay, just know i’m always here to listen. hope ur day is better tomorrow.


Thanks but I don’t think talking about it will change my mood right now. I love you too and appreciate it though ❤️


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hi baby. i’m sorry ur going through some shit. love u & if u wanna talk i’m here. <3