
Hey I really really really like your SuperFlash book i was wondering if you could try to do a book two where it continues from where you left off if you dont have the time or just dont wanna in general its fine i get it i just wanna know if its a possibility thanks LUV YA LOTS ✌


Your welcome and ghost haunting?! I’m intrigued well that would seem scary and fun at the same time so seems fun!as for the sequel yayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


@SlytherinBawse hey, thanks for reaching out!! sorry we haven't responded sooner. we've been pretty busy lately (ash's house is haunted and we've been ghost hunting) but we've actually been talking about doing a sequel recently. we're still in the brainstorming process but please stay tuned because something good might be coming soon!!  again, thanks for reaching out, we love you!!