
the end of an era…


so, i just listened to what trump has to say on PEACEFUL PROTESTS and i pity all those who live in america. if you do not want to live in america with that racist ass orange peel, you can always come live with me, in not a perfect place, but definitely a better place than one who brings in the military for PEACEFUL PROTESTS. i am so sorry to all of you


@sithisms  I wish I could.


@sithisms I think I might take you up on that offer. 


bet, let me pack my bags


HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE!! i’m so sorry for that hiatus i took, i haven’t been vibing with wp recently, but in light of my second favourite month of the year, you shall be getting (hopefully) many updates of all our favourite gays and maybe a few new ones. i hope y’all are doing well with recent events that have been happening as well, and since i haven’t stated it on this platform yet, i shall say it now, all lives can’t matter until black lives do first!