I am planning on only making 10-15 chapters of I am here, because it was a short story I made up ages ago so yeah 10-15 chapters. I'm also starting a new story later in October it's going too be a LGBT+ story about two girls I made up literally like last night when I was doodling in a book so yeah it's a fantasy book two so it will be a lot better because fantasy is my favorite genre, and I also write on my tablet so that's why some things are misspelled in I am here but once my laptop is fixed I'm going to go through and make some changes you wouldn't have to reread it'll stay the same I'll just fix the errors. If you want to know more about the new story let me know, it's gonna be called "her violet eyes" I'm really excited to start writing it in depth instead of little ideas.

@ateezchoisannie I really want to finish this story is just don't have a plot that I actually like sooooo. I'm going to put it on hold and start my new story and hopefully finish "I am here" in December.

@ateezchoisannie I'm stuck I don't know what to call the new story I like her violet eyes but her eyes don't stay purple so I'm confusion, anywho I'm sorry for not having a part up on Saturday, my dad and younger brother got into a car accident so a lot has been going on anyway I will have four parts up this weekend one on Friday two on Saturday and one on Sunday so yeah and the first three chapters of the new story will be up on the 15th of this month so I'm really excited, also after the four pars this weekend there will only be 7 more chapters and then it will end I know it's short but it was only a short story, and lastly I love y'all