
Just finished editing chapters 8,9,10, and 11! That's means all chapters have been edited! And now new chapters can be posted!! So go check out those chapters and please patiently wait for some new chapters :) (coming soon I promise)


Hello! Just edited chapter 3 and 4. I changed a few things(concerning Elena because I honestly had no idea where I was going with her) so make sure to check out those changes ! And please leave feedback and let me know what you think! 
          -- Taylor : )


So since I'm finally on summer break, I've decided to do a few things. First, I'm going to go through The Glass City and edit the chapters that have been posted and add more stuff so that it is more like an actual chapter/book and i might possibly change a few things, take a few things out, or add a few things so look out for those possible changes. Second, I'm going to continue writing chapters as well because we all know that they are way overdue. Lastly, I may possibly start a new book(and keep it up unlike my previous one) but I wouldn't do this until all of my editing is done. If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please let me know!


Just edited chapter one. Once again not much changed but most change will happen later in the book. Will probably edit chapter 2 tonight as well


Editing on introduction is done. Not much changed but I think that it is better than before