
Macam mana orang boleh mengantuk, tutup mata lepastu 10 minit jak terus tertidur?
          	Aku ni sempat lagi stress. Dia macam kalau paksa tidur tu kan, otak tiba-tiba membawa begaduh. 


Dari ekor mata, aku nampak dia tongkat dagu, renung aku yang sedang menaip di laptop. 
          Kemudian, sebelah tangannya bergerak menyelitkan anak rambut di tepi telinga dan tidak berhenti di situ, dia menyentuh pipi aku lalu diusap lembut. 
          "You're so beautiful."
          Wajah aku terasa hangat. Kepala dipalingkan ke arahnya. Senyuman terukir lebar. "Thank you. You're beautiful, too. Even more than me."
          Dia menggeleng.  "Impossible. How can I beat your beauty?" Bibirnya meleret tipis. 
          Tangannya di pipi aku genggam. "Dasar sweet talker."
          Tawanya pecah. "And you love sweets."


Once upon a time, there is a married couple who claimed they don't love each other. Yet the entire universe could see, they can't resist one another. 


"This lolipop is too sweet."
            "Yeah? let me taste it." Tanpa amaran, lolipop di tangan si isteri diambil kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam mulut. 
            Tidak sedar yang isterinya sudah membulat mata. Rahang hampir jatuh menyentuh tanah. "T-that's digusting!"
            "What?" Lolipop dikeluarkan dari mulut. Sebelah kening diangkat. "The lolipop?"
            "Ada air liur aku kut."
            "Oh." Dia diam sejenak. "You are right, this lolipop is too sweet," komennya namun masih menghisap lolipop tersebut. 
            "Dah itu, bagilah balik." 
            "I mean, it's too sweet but I can't get enough of it."
            Entah kenapa, wajah si isteri membahang. Dia mengalihkan pandangan ke arah lain. 
            Ergh! Menyakitkan hati! 


I hate men who make me feel uncomfortable even for existing. 
          They should've just keep their mouth shut when they sit near me. 
          (I am sleep deprived and this is the outcome of it, I am freaking moody right now)
          By the way I knew two guys who sat behind me in the class this morning were looking at me answering the test. Not looking at ME, probably the screen of my phone because we answered it on our gadget. 
          I even heard them talking when I answered the survey from the second year. They talked about "answering twice" and then the other one said "it's different". 
          Might've thought I was answering the same test. 
          Crazy work. 
          I just wish what they thought of me is true. I mean they probably think I was in my own world, too occupied by my thoughts that I don't even care about my surrounding. 
          But the thing is my ears work so well. I keep hearing people behind me talking. 


By the way I really hope no one likes me romantically sebenarnya macam hoping that they can get in a relationship with me please nda kisahlah orang yang aku suka atau nda noo wayy I actually I feel bad if they like me (girl attachment style is avoidant)
          Did I just say that and assuming someone will like me? 
          Yes because what if it's true?! 
          Nothing is impossible