
I wonder, will I actually fall in love if I man treats me nicely? Because I can't see myself being in that situation. 


Nda maulah cakap lebih kan. Takut nanti tiba tiba ergh! But you know, I can't see anyone fall in love with me and try to pursue me so why do you think I will fall in love with anyone either?! HAHAHAHAH 


Cukuplah aku getek pasal abe korea selatan


Like, falling in love? Isn't that a stupid? Me, of all people, falling in love? Cringe gila


The reason I don't talk about academic because I didn't try at all. 
          I have a fear of failure. I'm afraid if I try, it will turn out that I was never good at it. 
          Since kindergarten, I was a smart kid. Until I enter middle school, I was still considered as smart. But in grade 4, something kinda change. 
          I don't really remember about my middle school. Especially during grade 2 and 3. Tapi masuk darjah 4, aku pindah kelas kedua. 
          Wait I just remembered what happened masa darjah 2 dengan 3, now I know why I chose to forget it HAHAHAH. 
          Anyway, masa itu masih muda kan, bila masuk kelas kedua dan bercampur dengan budak nakal, aku rasa otakku pun berubah. 
          Kelas pertama pun ada yang nakal, tapi there's a reason they are in the smartest class. They're good in academic. 
          Yang kelas kedua ini pula, they're full blown budak nakal terutamanya lelaki. And I think I was slowly adapting to it and since memang selalu dipanggil kelas kedua terpandai, I become someone who doesn't try. 
          Though if I'm being honest, I actually never remember studying hard at school or at home. 
          Sebab aku budak kelas kedua. But shockingly, I always ended up as a top student in class. 
          Jadi aku ini macam HUH?! What the heck aku rasa aku pegi sekolah ini mau bekawan seja. Sampai kawan kawanku pun macam tekejut sebab perangai kami sama seja, tapi aku tiba-tiba pula jadi top student ni kenapa. 
          Itu pun rasanya sebab aku dalam kelas kedua, kalau aku masuk kelas paling pandai, you know I will be on the bottom of the list. Because that's what happened during grade 6. 
          Ya, aku terpindah balik kelas pertama. And I think that's where my ego was crushed, felt like everyone is looking down at me because I was stupid. 


Masuk form 6, sama jak sebenarnya. I was always like that. Didn't study. Entah. Kenapa ya? What happened?
            Salahku kah? I mean, I'm old enough to realised my own priority at that moment. 
            Is there something wrong with me? Normal kah nda pernah berusaha dalam hidup? 
            Am I okay? Aduh masa masa ni tetiba teringat what I went through back then. Ah, ndapalah. It's not as painful as my current life. 
            It's sad. When I think about it again, I was scared. Kesian. Kesian dia dan aku. Rasa macam mau hug diri sendiri dan cakap dekat dia "you're not alone". 
            Dan bila fikir balik juga, aku selalu terfikir "apa hak ku mau rasa sedih untuk apa yang jadi sama aku masa itu". 
            Without realising, I was still stuck in the past. Rasa serba salahku sebab kurang peka dengan orang sekeliling. Atau di situ, aku belajar distract diri sendiri dari rasa sedih. 
            Zaman pkp itu, pengalamanku nda seburuk orang lain tapi, masih sakit. Masih berbekas. Aku yang sekarang ni, berpunca dari semua itu. 


I was a probably a good student just because I didn't break the rules. Tapi secara keseluruhannya, aku bukan budak pelajar yang betul-betul bagus. 
            Sebab aku nda buat kerja sekolah, never actually study at home to get a good marks in exam. Or is that just what I remember? Did I forget important things?
            I never remember studying. Mungkin aku study gitu gitu jak sebelum exam, lepastu jawab exam, keluar keputusan, suddenly I'm kinda good and bad at the same time. 
            I was pretty average actually. Ada subjek yang perform, ada yang nda. Ergh sumpah what did I even do with my study? Aku langsung nda ingat. 
            Hmm cuma lepas masuk menengah atas, aduh I don't even want to talk about it. That's where I actually get worst. Bodoh. HAHAHAHAHAH no I don't want to talk about it. 


Argh darjah 6 is a total nightmare. Kau tahu di situ aku betul betul berdoa supaya aku nda duduk semeja dengan budak yang jahat sama aku, tapi ended up bukan setakat semeja, besebelah lagi. 
            Gila. I actually hate my middle school years. Always full of bullies and bad kids. Just because I'm quiet. Well I know we were kids back then, tapi aku masih benci sekolah rendah. 
            Masuk sekolah menengah barulah aku rasa boleh bernafas. Di situ baru rasa genuine connection. Ada juga rasa bertanding secara sihat. Masalahnya, aku nda pernah berusaha. 
            Aku nda tau kenapa, aku malas belajar. Was I traumatised? Sebab aku ingat, aku pernah juga berada di fasa selalu belajar sebab ada buku latihan. 
            Bila ingat balik, rasa berterima kasih dengan mamaku sebab paksa aku belajar. Mungkin sebab itu aku pandai cikit. Cikit jaklah. 
            Tapi kan, lepas masuk sekolah menengah, aku rasa macam aku terlepas dari genggaman ibu bapa. Mungkin rebel, puberty hit semua.
            It's hard to force me to study sebab tiada buku latihan untuk batch kami, silibus baru. Wow, mungkin masa itu aku rasa macam ada sayap tumbuh dan akhirnya aku boleh terbang. 


I am an insecure girl. People probably think I am so secure with myself. But that's just me protecting myself and trying to not get killed by myself. 
          I can't help thinking that a man will eventually fall in love with my friends once they meet. Even if he fall for me first, he will fall for another. 
          Because I believe I am someone who always get unnoticed, considering my personality. I am someone who will observe, listening and giving reaction without saying much things. 
          In my head, I imagine myself saying "kau suka aku? Kau tengoklah dulu kawan-kawanku ramai lagi yang bagus" HAHAHAH not that I am trying to sell them, I am trying to save that guy from pursuing the wrong girl.
          I know though, if he ended up doing that, it means he's not worth it. Neither for me nor my friends. 


Aku tau, aku selalu cakap lepas rapat baru keluar gayaku. Tapi aku nda rasa gayaku yang sebenar itu pun boleh pakai. 
            I can be a good friend to girls. 
            I can't with men. I don't know how to interact with them. 
            Kalau dengan perempuan pula, I can do and say anything. So kalau aku ada rapat dengan mana-mana lelaki pun, I'll still be reversed and quite distant because there are so many possibilities. 
            He might fall for me, so do I. 
            Also, I might blurt out something inappropriate. Jadi terima kasih sejalah. 


Sometimes I forget, there's a part of me who wants to give comfort to others with my words. 
          Aku nda tau apa jadi, something snapped in me and I said to myself that I'm done. Aku tiba-tiba penat dan instead of comforting, I think I was hurting people. 
          Dia macam aku rasa my whole existence is based on my trauma and now, I can no longer provide that much comfort. 
          Jadi bila aku teringat yang aku mau comfort others itu, aku rasa rindu. How I wish to let go of these pain and just get it together already. 
          How I wish I just face the reality and stop distracting myself from it. 
          I was not this bad. 
          Sumpah, rasa macam mau peluk aku yang di masa lalu. Walaupun dia itu ada kurangnya, sekurang-kurangnya dia bukan aku. 
          She wasn't me, yet. 
          Padahal, yang buat aku benci diri sendiri pun aku yang di masa lalu. 


Dulu masa kecil aku ini macam bisu sebab setiap kali orang tanya, aku akan angguk, geleng atau angkat bahu seja. 
          Lepastu mama bapaku selalu suruhlah supaya becakap juga. Jadi slowly aku pun berubah bila dipaksa paksa dan aku mula overthinking pasal reaksi orang terhadap aku padahal masih kecil. 
          Mungkin aku ini memang malas mau buka mulut entah kenapa. Itu barulah pendiam, sampai ada satu masa kena panggil cacat sebab nda becakap HAKAHAKAH.
          But that's all in the past. And I'm still that quiet girl. 
          Teringat pula hari tu aku dengar orang describe aku "dia memang yang introvert betul" sebab ada orang baru sedar kehadiranku dalam kelas itu. Don't worry, they were both nice. 
          To be honest, I don't think I'm that introvert, they just don't see me talk and I don't talk whenever there are so many people around us and I don't talk when there's nothing to talk about. 
          Tapi memang aku introvert lah, tunggu orang tegur baru boleh becakap. Sometimes I even feel trapped you know. I don't even want all that but I will always feel cautious and that makes it harder for me to open up to others. 
          So yeah, see me being all shy and reversed until I trust you enough to be myself. Then suddenly you start to question life. 


Reserved bro are you high


You don't need to be perfect to be loved. Because the person who love you isn't perfect either. 
          But why are we so self-critical? Drowning in self-hatred?
          How would I know? I'm just the same. 
          Hmm maybe we forget there's nothing as perfect. We can never be perfect and that's something we should face everyday. Being imperfect. Yet we keep on judging ourselves. 
          Entahlah. Aku penat. Aku nda perfect. Aku cuba jadi baik. Aku nda cantik sangat. Aku sedap mata memandang dan itu okay. Ketinggianku terbantut dan itu okay, aku masih boleh bangun dan berjalan. 
          Mukaku ada jerawat dan itu okay. It's normal when you have face I guess, lagi pun aku ada dry and sensitive skin. Dan itu pun okay, aku manusia. Manusia itu kompleks dan dinamik. We are all different. 
          I'm trying to comfort myself. Tapi at the end of the day, I will always ask why. Why am I like this? Ah entahlah. Manusia itu nda sempurna. Kadang benci diri kadang terlebih puji. 
          Dan mungkin itu masih okay? Asalkan di hujungnya kita masih sudi terima dan peluk diri sendiri. 


I hate being vulnerable but I hate more not being able to share my opinion or what I felt where I know no one's gonna read. This is like a sacred place for me. 
          Anyway, if there's actually anyone who stumble upon this account and choose to read my rant, may you find peace in life. 


Actually I know I seem like a shallow girl (am I? Idek I just like saying random things) who get excited about everything (once again am I? I feel like I'm pretty neutral about most things) erghh I have an identity crisis. 
          By the way, I just wanna say that my idea of romance is not simple, okay? 
          Though I believe if someone was asked "why do you love me?", the most correct answer is "I don't know, I'm just in love with you", I still need reason. 
          Complicated? Nah, it's simple if you just think about it. 


Yk, everytime I see someone pretty, I just can't help but wonder how can someone be so pretty and why am I not?
          I don't like saying that to myself because I've been there before, where I drag myself to the point I feel down all the time. That's why I started to compliment myself so I feel better. 
          But really, I always compare myself with others. Do I envy them? Maybe. But I don't want to be them, I just want to be as pretty. 
          I know that beauty comes with a lot of things, I know I can't go through it as well as they do. 
          So I'm pretty content with what I have, yet I just can't stop comparing. 
          Tell me though, does a pretty face promises us a loyal and doting husband? 
          Why can't I believe it doesn't have anything to do with appearance?
          Does being pretty make someone so easy to love? 
          And what if I'm not pretty? Does that make me so easy to hate once they see my flaws? 
          I want to believe someone will be able to love me regardless. I should. 
          That doesn't make it any easier. 


I had a weird last night, or should I say this morning. 
          It's a nightmare actually. 
          I get married. That's not bad. But who am I married to almost made me insane. 
          My own cousin. Not even a distant cousin, but literally close cousin, COUSIN. MY COUSIN!
          Brooo what the heck? And the problem is why did I say yes?! Actually I don't remember saying yes. I only remember my mother talking about marrying him! 
          But suddenly I'm already married, fortunately there's no scene of me getting married or else I might just kms. 
          The worst thing is I only realised how bad the decision is to marry your own cousin after getting married. Especially because I thought of him as my big brother. 
          Our age gap is insane, he watched me grew up! 
          And even in that dream, after we get married, I was already thinking about how my life as a widow later. Yeap, I just know we're going to get a divorce because ain't no way I will fall in love with him. 
          By the way, I am glad because I never actually met him in that dream. HUWGAHAHAUAHHA that's gonna be my last straw. 
          Also, I remember the feeling of relief because I'm getting married, I don't know why, and yet I regret it right after. That's insane. I even think about how are we going to spend a night together since I don't love him (just sleeping no dirty mind) yoo what kind of dream is that. 
          It's the kind of dream that when you wake up, you're feeling grateful it's just a dream. 
          Lastly, I don't want to marry my own relative! Pleaseeeeeeeesee NOOOOO HELP MEEE NOT EVEN A DISTANT RELATIVE LEMME MARRY INTO ANOTHER FAMILY IF I EVER GET TO MARRY 


I wonder, will I actually fall in love if I man treats me nicely? Because I can't see myself being in that situation. 


Nda maulah cakap lebih kan. Takut nanti tiba tiba ergh! But you know, I can't see anyone fall in love with me and try to pursue me so why do you think I will fall in love with anyone either?! HAHAHAHAH 


Cukuplah aku getek pasal abe korea selatan


Like, falling in love? Isn't that a stupid? Me, of all people, falling in love? Cringe gila