So,I am back from the dead,and I'm here to complain of course. For New heroes,I'm using a Calendar app to keep track of the events in the book.Today,I opened the app and the damn thing wants me to pay to use it now AND REFUSED TO OPEN UNLESS I PAID.AND THAT'S WHERE I KEPT ALL THE EVENTS OF NEW HEROES,WHAT HAPPENED AND WHERE IT HAPPENED.I did manage to retrieve everything and write it down in my trusty Samsing notes but at this point I'm never using anything that doesn't have Microsoft or Samsung written on it.I came so damn close to losing everything it's unbelievable
@atinonbebe sorry just saw this but yes Of course your writing is so good I'll make sure to check out any new things from you <333
@atinonbebe I am planning to make my return very,very soon I'm currently working on rewriting New heroes (because there were a lot of problems with the first time I published it) and I have an OnlyOneOf project coming up. I can't believe there's people still people interested in what I write,thank you for the support on Journey by the way!