
Whoo my sister just went into labor! Happy day everybody XD you can expect the next Harry Potter book to be coming soon!!!


@atiz57 i cant wait and your a really good writer please continue up the awesome work


@GachaverseGirl9 Ah this is what makes me evil. I can't spoil the future story so you'll just have to wait and find out when it comes out XD


Hi everypony!
          I was just wondering if you all could read my new MLP fanfic/fimfic, "Love Lasts Forever" The epilogue just released. 
          I'm a bit of a newbie at writing and I hack easily at grammar and dialogue and things like that. I know alot of my followers are NOT bronies/pegasisters but I really need your help so even if you are not interested in cartoon horses... Could you please just give me a vote, or a read, or heck, even a comment?! 
          Thank you to whoever reads it! It motivates me to write more. 



I just read your marvel story, on it you said you read a bunch like that. Could name some or make a list of some please.


@MadelynR123 most of the ones I read where either miscellaneous one shots or a collective series for hetalia. But I do have the link for hetalia saved.