
It’s been a couple months since I’ve posted an update, so here it is. 
          	I’m currently taking a much needed social media break because my social battery has been very very low. I’ve been working a lot and dealing with family/personal problems. 
          	Life’s pretty crazy. As I typed this, a bug flew up my nose. 
          	I’m currently working on a couple stories very slowly as well as rewriting PMD in an expanded version to finish it how I wanted to without the restrictions of ONC. I want to write behind the scenes until I have enough written that I’m satisfied in posting it. 
          	I hope everyone’s doing well. ❤️ 


It’s been a couple months since I’ve posted an update, so here it is. 
          I’m currently taking a much needed social media break because my social battery has been very very low. I’ve been working a lot and dealing with family/personal problems. 
          Life’s pretty crazy. As I typed this, a bug flew up my nose. 
          I’m currently working on a couple stories very slowly as well as rewriting PMD in an expanded version to finish it how I wanted to without the restrictions of ONC. I want to write behind the scenes until I have enough written that I’m satisfied in posting it. 
          I hope everyone’s doing well. ❤️ 


Just a quick life update. ❤️
          I now have 2 jobs, neither are full time but combined, they’re keeping me crazy busy. I’ve also been super drained and tired lately. 
          I haven’t been very active here or on discord either, and honestly, right now I don’t plan to be. I’m trying to rest and get things done. They’re just happening offline more. 
          I’m trying to bridge the gap for PMD to be able to finish it as well as planning a new story/series.
          I hope everyone’s doing well. Thank you! 


@atlantics-  That's okay! Hope you're well <3


@LibbyBlake thank you ♥️ I’m sorry this response is so late, I appreciate it a lot


@atlantics- Glad for the update! Hope things ease up for you soon Cass, rest up and take all the time you need <3


Chapter 8 is posted! Only 2 more to go, and ‘Pull Me Down’ will be complete for now. ❤️ 
          Not gonna lie, all 1.8k words of it were written in the last 2 hours. I rewrote and rewrote this chapter until I made myself sick of looking at my screen. 
          Luckily, the next two will be easier because I already have them partially done! 14 hours, I’ve got this. 
          (Advice: don’t be me.)
          Thank you! :) 


Chapter 7 is posted! I'm going to have a lot of work to do once ONC ends, but I know I put out the best I can work with in current circumstances.
          Be prepared for about 3 chapters to be posted in the next day and a half. If you see me crying, you don't have to wonder why.


@Kamiccola  thank you so much ❤️


@atlantics- You're almost there. Good luck!


Lots of things! Well not really, but it’s okay. Let’s pretend that I have lots of important news, okay?
          FIRST - Pull Me Down????? Qualified to be judged for round THREE of ONC??? I was shocked. I’m still shocked. I cried actual tears when I saw it. Whew. What a time. 
          SECOND - It hasn’t been updated in awhile. I’ve written three versions of chapter 7, and I’m currently writing what will become the actual chapter 7 finally. I apologize that it’s taken so long. 
          THIRD - I’m probably gonna cry and need lots of cherry coke before May 5th, but it’s okay. 8k words, here we go. This is what I get for being sick and slacking the last two weeks.
          Also, have you gotten to check out “Chances We Miss”? It’s a short story I wrote for a BadassReads contest, and I’m panicking not only over ONC but over that contest as well. 
          I hope everyone’s doing well. ❤️ Thank you. 


@atlantics- Congratulations!!!




Okay y’all,
          I JUST posted a new story! It’s a short story, and it’s the first one I’ve ever written. I wrote it for a contest over on the BadassReads profile (even though it’s probably a complete 180 than anyone would expect given the prompts), and I have worked so hard on it. Just ask my writing group! Lots of panicking! And procrastinating!
          Well, I checked the rules again a little bit ago and you know what I realized? I was going to go to sleep and finish the last bit of editing in the morning. I wake up at about 10am EST. Aaaaaand the submissions are due at 6am EST. 
          But guess who just submitted. (: 
          You can check it out here if you’d like! (Please lol.)

          I apologize for the announcement. I don’t like throwing these out because I know a lot of people get TONS and don’t really see them. 


Not going to announce this because I don’t feel the need to, so if you see this — props to you. ❤️
          PMD hasn’t been updated in the last week and a half because I’ve been sick since the weekend. I’m working on the next update for it, but I’m realizing that I overwrite. 20k is hard to even fit my prompt into, and I didn’t even choose a hard one! So I’m trying to rework what’ll be the last few chapters, and may end up having to expand it after ONC ends because I can’t tell the story in 20k, or even in 30k that I would like to. 
          I’m also working on a short story for another contest (that may or may not even fit the prompt) that’ll be a type of prequel to a story in a series I have planned. That should be up this week because the contest ends in 2 days. 
          I’m definitely going to get these updates done and posted as soon as I feel a bit better. 
          Thank you, if you’re reading this. (: 


A quick short PSA: 
          My name here has changed from Joey to Cassidy. Cassidy/Cass is closer to my real name, and it’s what I would prefer to be called. If you know me by Joey, then feel free to call me by it! 
          Joey is a nickname I developed as a kid, and it’s why I chose to go by it. I’ve just spent a lot of time thinking and have decided that I want to be called by a name more similar to my own. I figured now was as good of a time to change it as any. 
          Fun fact: I’ve never went by my real name on here, and I’ve been on this site for double digits years. 
          Thanks for reading <3