
So, I have disappeared off the face of Wattpad. Do I have a legit excuse except for I was busy and I'm back and here to stay? Nope. But I'M Back!!!! Thank you to everyone that still paid attention and voted. I am seriously touched. But get ready, you didn't see me for a while, now you're gonna get tired of seeing my mug pop up in your timeline. With new hard hitting interviews with your favorite authors from me the baby journalist. 2017 is gonna be the year


@atomicproductions And now it's 2022....


@atomicproductions ...and then it was 2018... Sorry I'm a awkward bean. I'll leave now.


So, I have disappeared off the face of Wattpad. Do I have a legit excuse except for I was busy and I'm back and here to stay? Nope. But I'M Back!!!! Thank you to everyone that still paid attention and voted. I am seriously touched. But get ready, you didn't see me for a while, now you're gonna get tired of seeing my mug pop up in your timeline. With new hard hitting interviews with your favorite authors from me the baby journalist. 2017 is gonna be the year


@atomicproductions And now it's 2022....


@atomicproductions ...and then it was 2018... Sorry I'm a awkward bean. I'll leave now.


Hey guys, 
          Bad news, we are currently going on a hiatus effective immediately. This is because our a combination of our personal lives taking a whole and not being wanting to add something else onto our plate.  We will be back and better than ever. 
          Until next time, 
          All of Atomic Productions


Hey guys,
          I know we have been slacking lately, but good news, state testing is officially done, and we getting back into grind mode. Expect us to pop in your newsfeed. We getting more interviews out with new authors. Our inbox is now being checked frequently. While on our little hiatus we have been in the process of  making our new project called Project Speak. It and more info are coming soon.  
          Also, the spots to join Atomic are still available, inbox about business inquiries, or email at  Keep showing love to Writer's Lounge we see it and appreciate it very much.


Hey guys!!
          I have been MIA for a couple of days, state exams and such. No excuse tho, so to make it up. I have went into overdrive trying to get the next interview for you guys with @ escapiist. It will be posted tomorrow. Until then enjoy.. And keep showing love we see it and it makes our heart all fuzzy


I'd love to hear about Kari hampton's trilogy thats out right now and her inspiration behind her books; they're so good. I believe she can become a successful writer someday, she's so full of great ideals! A interview with her, would be amazing.


Thanks for the heads up request and the follow. We'll hop right on it