
One day  late and a bit clunky but here it is! First chap on The Usual Stars is out: check it out on my website or on webtoon .
          	Tell me what you think! <3


The end has come!
          …At least for my second story here, Cock-a-Doodle-Doom is coming to an end. Thanks to the happy (very) few that were a part of this, it means the world to me!
          For now I'm moving on to webcomics, with a first chapter Sunday for *The Usual Stars*. Stay tuned, and have a good chapter ;)


@world_joy_ Thanks! I'm working on it ;)


@atomikaya looking forward to seeing the first chapter! 

          Wednesday chapter! I'm writing the last one right now, number 41, to be released on the 4th of November. It's so weird to be almost done with those stories! 
          By that time, you will definitely be able to check out my new webcomic on and probably webtoon, it looks like a good comic publishing platform.
          See you all ;)


Hey! I wanted to try something different for Cock-a-Doodle-Doom (instead of that placeholder cover I got). What do you think? 
          By the way, since the quality is pretty bad here, you can also see a prettier version of the cover on my website ( ). 
          Good night! ;)

          Wednesday chapter! The story is still on tracks, in the drafts I'm nearing the 40th chapter… and I'd say I have less than 10 chaps to go with this story. After *that* ends, the webcomic will seriously begin. I've got the tools, the story, the style and an idea for a beginning. 
          Like always, we'll roll from there! Stay tuned ;)


Heya! It's your friendly neighborhood weekly chapter!

          Sorry about the comics preview by the way, it took way too long to make it so I've decided to upgrade the tools I have and give it a go again. More than anything, I need to make sure that I only commit on a schedule that I can follow, so it might take a while for me to grasp the rhythm and technique that will allow me to work fast without delivering garbage ;)
          See you around!