
seeking charlie is up, fully completed. it's ohhhh about six years old,  and it has flaws. i didn't go in with much of a plot tbh. but to be 17 and write a full novel? i never felt true pride in such a crazy accomplishment but now i am. damnnnn am i good or what!


oh to be 17, never kissed, never held a hand, naive little baby. and still pulled all that off. reading is as good as life experience, i guess hahahah. hit my little baby, seeking charlie, uppp


seeking charlie is up, fully completed. it's ohhhh about six years old,  and it has flaws. i didn't go in with much of a plot tbh. but to be 17 and write a full novel? i never felt true pride in such a crazy accomplishment but now i am. damnnnn am i good or what!


oh to be 17, never kissed, never held a hand, naive little baby. and still pulled all that off. reading is as good as life experience, i guess hahahah. hit my little baby, seeking charlie, uppp


I just moved in to my college dorm. my life is about to get a bit busy, so I won't have time for writing. I'll find time if I want to, but something tells me I won't be feeling it all that much. I hope to pick writing back up sometime in the not-so-distant future, but, until then, I am officially on a writing—and, in part, reading—hiatus.
          See you later!


I still only have about a third of Chapter Thirteen done. I'm seriously lacking in motivation, unfortunately. I'm going to try to wrap it up soon, so I can get rolling on the next part of the book. A very pivotal moment is coming up... ;)
          Chapter Two will be posted soon-ish. Remember Chapter One is official up in its entirety! Drop a comment, letting me know what you think.
          Have a good rest of the week!