
Hello!!! I really liked the story about haru and mako(and I got some laughs too) so I'm going to read some other works. If you have time and will I would be also really happy if you wrote another fanfic about mako and haru, just watch out for the "tha". Anyway have a good day or night l, whenever you're reading this! 


What happened to the Fanfic attack on Ereri?


@GRELLIA I can try and repost it but it might just get taken down again. I'm not sure why it got taken down in tha first place


@attack_on_ereri thank you for telling me,I found and reading it,is there any chance of getting it back on wattpad though? If not that's fine.


@GRELLIA it got taken down for some reason. I believe it's on Archive of Our Own though. Under tha same name


Hiiiiii ❤ *Blushing* u-umm I r-really don't know how t-to say that , w-well myyy cousinn readdd yooourr boookss anddd sayss theyy aree reallyyyy greatiee I wish I could readd themmm really but shee warnss mee from doing thaat I don't knoow whyy *pouts* well sowwyyyy forr myy longiee useless messagiee i-i'm s-so awkwardie *embarrassed* hopee yoou aree havingg a niceee dayyy *Blushing*


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Ok so i was looking for some shit then one of you books popped up i saw the title and was like wow someone actually writes fics about that sexy nub and yes the non existent god has answered my prayers you wrote a bo fanfic i slowly clap for you