Heyy your fanfiction is great! I would love to have a part where Maleficent and Gwen where a thing for example when she turns evil for a time or something, also please don‘t let her die ! As i said create story so fare and I love the slow burn between regina and gwen! Hopefully you will write more soon!


Ouh that’s so interesting probably u can write a maleficent x fem reader story after this one or probably a completly different serie it‘s called Trueblood and I would love to read a Pam Swynford de Beaufort x fem reader story … 
            I am grateful to read more of your story soon! Much love liss


Hi! Thank you so much!! And about your request, I am planning for Maleficent and Gwen to have been a thing at some point (she was actually Gwen’s original love interest before I decided on Regina). I’m writing more about Gwen’s evil deeds in upcoming chapters, but I might save it for Season 4’s chapters, which should get done quickly because I love season 4. A new chapter should be out soon! Thank you again!