
Ok so I'm probably not gonna do anymore of the Love You fic. Probably. I'm not certain, but we'll see what happens.
          	BUT I've been a h word bastard recently and I forgot how hot these dudes were. How would y'all feel about some one shot x reader type fics? 


Ok so I'm probably not gonna do anymore of the Love You fic. Probably. I'm not certain, but we'll see what happens.
          BUT I've been a h word bastard recently and I forgot how hot these dudes were. How would y'all feel about some one shot x reader type fics? 


Almost 4k reads and just over a year later. I genuinely don't know if I'll ever finish this book. My writing has definitely evolved over the past year and I've gotten better at story telling. If I could do this book again, the first chapter would probably span over like three different chapters and be completely different. A lot of it is really poorly written. But y'all really stuck through and kept reading every angsty word. Honestly, thank you. 
          I will follow through on the promise that I'll release the unfinished chapters and the outline of the story and how it ends, but I'm still going to try and do these chapters. But again, I just don't know. This is really only the beginning. There were supposed to be like 25 chapters and I just don't know if I have it in me. But only time will tell. I have another week off for holiday break. We'll see what happens ;)
          For now, happy holidays! 


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After almost 3k reads, I got my first hate comment. I'm so proud of myself honestly. I got someone so mad that they not only told me to kill myself, but to also get molested by my father. Like I'm fucking wheezing it's so funny. What makes a person think that telling me I get run over is gonna warrant any other response than me calling them daddy and telling them I want THEM to run me over. If you're reading this sir who reads Steven universe and Deltarune fan fiction, the offer still stands. I wanna get run over. Come on down. 


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They deleted the comment but the username was some edgy shit like bouddanut69420 or something like that. People are amazing 


I got two updates for yall in regards to the Love You fic (idk what else id be talking about tbh) 
          I have to do some last editing on the next chapter and then I'll be posting it, so it will be here soon. 
          Second, I'm going to be editing some of the chapters I've already published because there are grammatical errors and stuff that need to be fixed. Idk if it sends people notifications, but if it does, disregard it. It's just a bunch of edits. Along with the edits, I'm gonna be re naming the two chapters that have the part one and part two to just be their own individual chapters because... I don't know I just don't like it anymore. 


I just found a fic I wrote in 2017 that I did in a Google doc so I wouldn't publish any of it until I was actually finished. It's like a solid 17k words and is honestly low key good. Honestly might work on that too. 
          It's 2doc tho so I really gotta get back into Gorillaz lore. I used to be able to practically recite the whole plot with every micro detail as well as what Albarn and Hewlett were doing with it irl. I gotta start by listening to my old Bible; rise of the ogre.