
Chapter Twenty-Three is out as of ~23 hours ago! Go read it!


Chapter Twenty-One and Twenty-Two have been published! 21 has been out for a while now but I didn’t announce it when it came out purely out of oversight. Next chapter we learn most of the unknown- most. I’ll get it out as fast as I can but my thumb needs a break after  writing 4805 words last chapter... sorry haha.


Chapter Twenty is now published! Thanks for reading if you do. I can’t believe I’m already on the twentieth chapter. Based on the amount of time it’s taking me to write this book, I’m going to have a pretty different writing style by the time the book is done, so earlier chapters are going to undergo extreme editing and/or possible/partial rewrites when it’s finished. Obviously I’ll finish it first, but just letting you guys know that I’m well aware that it’s very inconsistent right now. Writing a book sporadically over the course of a few years will do that to you!
          Anyway, thanks for reading if you are! Enjoy the latest installment. It’s a fairly important one. 


Woo! Chapter Nineteen is out! I had a free period today so I decided to be productive. It’s a little over 3000 words, so I hope it’s enough for now. In other news...
          I’ve never won first in any user-run award system before, so this is pretty big for me. There’s another round where all of the winners of each genre compete against each other, so wish me luck!
          Finally, I’ve started Chapter Twenty already and it’ll be out as soon as I can. Somehow, school has actually helped me be MORE productive, because I have nothing better to do than write when I’m finished with my work.
          Have a great rest of your day!


Chapter Eighteen is officially OUT! Let me tell you, it's a big one. I'm not even going to apologize for the wait time because you've probably already learned to expect that from me at this point. It could always be worse. I'll start on chapter nineteen tomorrow morning and try to get up to chapter twenty before school starts. Thank you for reading!


I did it I did it I did it! I FINALLY got Chapter Seventeen out for Freaks. This is a pretty big jump of productivity for me lol. It’s a big chapter; a little over 3,200 words. I’ve already started on Chapter Eighteen, so hopefully I can get that out before July! Have a great day guys.


Holy crap. It’s been awhile.
          Yes, the Freaks chapter is still in the works. Trying to make these chapters longer and have things *actually happen* in them is harder than it looks. I seriously need to cut down on fillers.
          I’m not going to lie to you guys, though- I can’t promise a release date. Yes, we’re in quarantine and I should have more time now... and even if that’s true and I will be writing more often, I’m not making any promises. That never turns out good. Hopefully, I’ll see you guys soon, and that next chapter WILL be out (eventually. That’s the only promise I’ll make).


I’ll be on a cruise until next Sunday so the chapter STILL won’t be out until at least Monday. I’m sorry it’s taking so long. Despite being on a break, all I’ve done is things other than write. The good news is that I’m over halfway done with the next chapter, so hopefully it’ll be out soon. Have a great week!