
Hi everyone, I wanted to share how grateful I am for 37 k reads on epiphany! I swear, epiphany is my baby and I have been working with her for nearly 3 years now, I started at the beginning of 8th grade and my sophomore year is coming to a close. the support I have been shown on this story is crazy and I couldn't ask for better readers. every comment I read makes me smile and I am just so glad that you all found this story. i have worked through many tough things to get this story out and I am forever grateful for all of you. i want to be completely honest here, I don't know if I will ever finish writing the sequel, that is the truth, I really want to finish the story but it is just a matter if I have enough time. i believe I will be able to write a bunch this summer so hopefully ill be able to finish cassies story, literally no planning went into this story, I completely went off of what I was feeling every chapter and I am so happy you all have enjoyed it. again, thank you so much for being the most amazing supporters out there, I love you all.


@ augiedog122  Thank you for the great story. 


Hi everyone, I wanted to share how grateful I am for 37 k reads on epiphany! I swear, epiphany is my baby and I have been working with her for nearly 3 years now, I started at the beginning of 8th grade and my sophomore year is coming to a close. the support I have been shown on this story is crazy and I couldn't ask for better readers. every comment I read makes me smile and I am just so glad that you all found this story. i have worked through many tough things to get this story out and I am forever grateful for all of you. i want to be completely honest here, I don't know if I will ever finish writing the sequel, that is the truth, I really want to finish the story but it is just a matter if I have enough time. i believe I will be able to write a bunch this summer so hopefully ill be able to finish cassies story, literally no planning went into this story, I completely went off of what I was feeling every chapter and I am so happy you all have enjoyed it. again, thank you so much for being the most amazing supporters out there, I love you all.


@ augiedog122  Thank you for the great story. 


Hi. Sorry to bother, but just wanted to ask when the next chapter is coming? Oh btw the book is great!! 


@potter97_gg I am so sorry about how late this is , I am currently working on a few chapters and I hope to get them out in October!


Ok so I have a suggestion but you don’t have to take it Bc it’s your story AND I LOVE IT! But I really liked the chapter when they played truth or dare in third year. I think it really shows that they’re teenagers and it’ll add more drama. Anyways love the story and I wanted to tell you keep it up! I love it sooooo much it’s my new addiction!❤️


@augiedog122 no rush at all do what you need to do I just wanted to give you some support and wanted to share how much I love this book!


@Clara2363 this is so sweet and i appreciate it so much! don't worry, I am still writing, I just haven't been in the best headspace lately :)